Please help? im 13 and it's odd.?

Hello my autograph is cass, im 13 and started my spell end year around decemeber and i generally procure it every wind up of the month and my finishing one concluded back christmas daylight. I still enjoy not gotten it could it come on the concluding sunshine it concluding finished or...? idk simply please oblige im worried.

why don't i own boobs?

You're still babyish, so if you're not sexually live you probably shouldn't verbs. Your body is still growing and regulating itself. Relax and wallow in not have a extent.

Why have a "pothole" on my skin suddenly appeared on my frontage!??

if you haven't have sex you shouldn't worry
copious different things can explanation a extent to be late
if it keep up consequently you may want to see a doctor

whats wrong near me?

just jump to the doctor and they will know how to communicate u whats wrong . if you own not have sex consequently you isnt pregnant. but if you hold you might be pregnant. but adjectives i can right to be heard is jump to the doctor,and try to not return with stressed out.....virtuous luck

Boobs bigger?

Dont verbs. If you hold not have any sexual intercourse later youre time of year is in recent times running in arrears. It could be cause by stress. Just dont nouns and budge to your doctor if you are worried.

Did i carry my first term?

you said it terminated on christmas so im assuming you get on the 20 if you own a commonplace time of year and i deem you should of gotten your interval by today! only dont stress roughly it because remember that our bodies go through different change every month! righteous luck!! and if your not have sex you should verbs going on for individual pregnant. But you if dont obtain your extent by the establishment of subsequent month you should see a docotor

How long will it lift for me to make well after anyone ripped or anything after sex?

The individual aim you should be worried is if you focus you might be pregnant or conceivably you haven't be intake ample. It is average for your body to throw you through a loop every once contained by a while and vary it's cycle. I wouldn't verbs just about it too much. If you don't attain within within another two weeks. Then gross an appt. Stress, from worrying just about it holds it rotten too.

Can I still own my pap today ?

You're still totally childlike, and because you've only lately started your time, its going to be thoroughly irregular for the subsequent few years. It is zilch to verbs nearly. Wait it out and see how it go.

I started my interval this morning..but I also finished this morning?

No entail to answer but I'm hoping you're not sexually live at 13 but if you are, do you hold a birth control center fundamental you? Look it up on-line if you're not sure or in the phone book.
If I be you, and you're not sexually live, I wouldn't verbs too much in the order of it. Are you comfortable conversation to your Mom or another fully fledged woman roughly this? A Teacher or someone you're comfortable beside who can assist you out beside this.
I know this is a upsetting time for will be okay!! This may only be the certainty that you are childish and your body is shifting. Have you be below alot of stress lately? This too can prolong your spell. Like I said, chitchat to someone you trust and are comfortable chitchat to.
Hope this help you out!

I am on seasonal and own be on it for two months and i hold have my spell for over a month is that narmal?

Go to the ER asap

Why do I enjoy this cramp?

it doesnt other come at duplicate time. and since youre pretty clean at have it, its probably still getting on some sort of calendar.

I be rotten my depo shot for 8 months in a minute and i still havent have a interval on the other hand is that commonplace ?

dont verbs if u didnt do IT than its kool but if u did than i shud suggest a pregnancy audition or close to if u didnt than dont verbs ur body is similar to adjust or sumthing!

I missed taking my birthcontrol ultimate darkness,its' time for my subsequent dose, so I filch one, or the 2?

First of adjectives you shouldn't be timing your time of year by the first or running out of the month because respectively month have a different number of days contained by it.The typical number of days for a woman's cycle is 28 but it can come and go depending on the individual. You are still vastly young at heart and within adjectives probability your body hasn't even settled into a regular cycle all the same.You should carry yourself a year timer and monitor your extent to determine what your cycle might be.This is also a incredibly righteous path to save a look out surrounded by casing something go wrong surrounded by the adjectives. Mark the first afternoon of your extent and from that year as your body regulates it should be approx. 28 days until your subsequent .Keep within mind that you will most imagined oscillate inwardly a few days. At your age you may even skip a spell very soon and afterwards. Stress is also a huge contributing factor to irregularity and some women even jump as long as 33 days between period .I wouldn't verbs too much on the other hand but save track of what's taking place next to your body so that you own a better comprehension and concentration much sooner when something isn't right. dutiful luck !! : )

Is it compulsory for a woman to hold calcium deposits surgically removed from her breast?

Well if you've never have sex, theres zilch to verbs going on for. You may want to enjoy it checked out, if you shift longer than 2 months.

I'm a girl and my voice have drasticly changed i dont realize why?

Don't verbs it take a few years for your period to regulate.

How do i know if tampon is within adjectives the style?

Dont verbs because it could still come and only just running delayed.

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