Is it true that every classmates pre-teens draw from their interval quicker and nearer?

One day on the news i hear that a 3-year old got her time of year. And they start talking about how children in our day are exposed to more sexuality than they were about 30 years ago. Because i get my period when i was 11. And my friends mom get hers when she was 15. So, is that true? And i predict that in the year 2020, girls will be have thier periods when they are 8! Nowadays hippie parents are spoiling thier kids, by using bad verbal skill and inappropriate language at home. And those kids are ratification it on to thier kids and so on. Im kinda afraid for the future, because periods come when a woman know the difference between righ and wrong and can care for herself. So is i true? (look back a the cross-examine if you lost my topic here)

My girlifriend took 9 or 10 advils at a time?

Yes, girls are reaching puberty earlier, as are males, and there are several reason.

First I will talk about the 3 y.o. who have her first period. That is called "precocious puberty" where on earth a girl starts having her periods much early than normal. Some girls can start as young as 6 months of age. Any girl who have her periods before she is 8 y.o is classified as have Precocious Puberty. It is more prevalent than most people believe.

As to girls starting earlier than their mothers and grandmothers. --
1) It have to do with the increase in medical science and the certainty that people are healthier than previous generation.
2) There is an increase in the use of female growth hormones contained by chicken and pork production, and this is then consumed by the child and affects the child's' growth and puberty start date. These same female hormones are cause males to have low sperm counts and even sterility in a few.

They are the crucial reasons for earlier puberty.

The date of the beginning of Puberty also depends upon a number of other factors.
a) A person's ethnicity. Some ethnic groups realize puberty earlier than others, even when they live in duplicate country. A prime example that I give is -- Chinese girls in Cambodia manage puberty at 12-14 on average. Vietnamese girls in Cambodia do so around 13-15 while Cambodian girls in Cambodia achieve puberty around 15-17. The reason is that as Chinese and Vietnamese are "merchants" they have more money and that`s why a better lifestyle, better food and better health-care. Cambodians are "peasants" and have little money and therefore put away less and worse food, have little or no health-care.
b) The country you live surrounded by --- Those same Cambodian girls who would reach puberty around 15-17 inside Cambodia reach puberty surrounded by the US and Australia around the 11-14 age group (depending on how long they have been outside of Cambodia)[My Cambodian adopt daughter reached puberty at 11 and MY daughter who is half Cambodian and partly Anglo-Saxon Australian had her period at 10 1/2]. Again, this is because of food, lifestyle and health-care.
c) Wealth of the parents -- again this affects the food, health-care and lifestyle of the ethnic group.
d) Genes -- If your mother had her periods hasty, you are likely to have yours in advance. If your mother was a late starter, consequently you are also likely to start slightly later than the average.

I'm startin' to win serious headache,what should i do?

I'm not sure why the hippie/bad words thing comes in, but in that have always be girls who have gotten their period surrounded by a time out of the norm. When I was a preteen, the average age of onset of menses be 11-12, and it pretty much still is. There are girls who get their periods at 8. Some of it is that our kids are overweight at a younger age, and that lead to earlier puberty (100 lbs seems to be the trigger for menses).

Extremely sore breasts from BCP... what can I do?

I get my period when I was nearly 14, but that might be because I'm not overweight...And don't geneoralize. I may not be very appropriate, but I wouldn't use bad words in front of any kid. Stupid conservatives, just jump on everyone. Not everyone needs to be uptight. It's ok for a girl to wera jeans, and loosen up a bit.

Boob probs? Help?

The trend is going that way. But it have NOTHING to do with genetics. My grandma get hers at 11, my mom at 12 and me at 16.

My guess about the 3-year-old is that there's a lot more going on than a short time ago her period. Go look up the use of DES in cattle or chicken...

Can thyroid problems affect fertility?

I suggest when you get your period depends on how vigorous you are..and what genetic traits you have inherrited.. if your mom got hers when she be around 14 theres a good chance of you getting your around 14 or 13


Yeah Most Kids Now a days Are have babies too !

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What should I do?
A boob problem !?
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