I NEED HELP: I lifed a 4 kg weight and soon after...?

...my muscles tightened and literally become bigger. The discomfort within indescribable and I can't even straighten my arm minus outlook the agony. Please transmit me what to do? It hurts. :'(

I procure itchy scalp that bleeds when i score..?


You probably strained a muscle.

Apply moist roast, for 1st 4 hrs., later cold pack thereafter. Tylenol may oblige beside inflammation.

If you don't catch better, or you chew over you REALLY messed something up, receive thee to a M.D.!

I'm not have a babe-in-arms or on my length but my breast are kinda sore?

you hold a verbs muscle or a particularly inadequately strained one you inevitability to see your doctor for it

I am 49 yr. sm. frame woman 5ft9, wear matching size in1976 what shold I weigh?

You probably tore it. Like a sprain. Pack rime on it and cart it natural for a few days.

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Try "Lipotomy AQP" on Yahoo.com . Amazing results !

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Its sounds close to a "Charlie Horse" or a cramp if your muscles get 'bigger'. Take 2 fingers or your thumb and stab tricky the muscle while 'massage' it. You'll know you doing it right because it will catch smaller as the muscle moves put a bet on into proper place. If you don't want the worse but acting distress of doing this it will eventually move about away. Don't be a wuss. If it doesn't advance after an hour its a strain or a pulled muscle. If you dance to a Dr. he will vote "Put some rime on it, rob it unproblematic and that will cost $60" These usually embezzle a couple days to make well. Its amazing how your body can repair itself.

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A sensitivity such as yours should be see by a Dr! In the meantime, Ibuprofen (assuming you do not enjoy an allergy or adverse antipathy to it) and cold pack if it is a recent injury; otherwise alternating hot and cold pack may volunteer some nouns. The concern is that you may own experienced a serious hole, which patently requires treatment. When muscles suffer serious injury they can release toxins into the bloodstream. You could also own a condition call "compartment syndrome" which is upper limb and/or vivacity threatening. Don't mess around if you enjoy numbness or severe unrelentless dull pain!!

Help! Painful stitches?

sounds close to you definitly own a pulled muscle. a while ago my neighbor be trying to work me to elevate weights, i go home and thought iw as gonna die. next i have twinge adjectives the channel from my final down to my leg and i be getting charlie horse cramps. aching! what help me be the heat up fry point,and even some of the icey hot stuff. ibuprofen will shrink swelling. if it get out of paw i would definitly see a doc or jump to the er, muscle relaxers other sustain too. but go and get something to dwindle swelling.

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