Want advice on gynaecology /health?
Hi - try netdoctor.co.uk Its a site where on earth you type contained by symptoms and acquire suggested (thats SUGGESTED) diagnosis, or if you want more personal guidance you can contact one of the doctors. Or as other, our trusty NHS Direct can backing you on 0845 4647. Of course, you could other speak to your own GP give or take a few stuff but I guess it can be kinda embarressing. Hope you find what you entail. Bex x
Is cancer more family circle history related?
ummm dunno.Used to work as a Dr surrounded by O&G so can I minister to?
Is it possible to fart out of your vagina?
No appreciation I'm polite to runI havent have a time surrounded by two months and I dont give attention to Im pregnantwhat is it?
Yes pleasehttp://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind...
Chance of getting pregnant after 2 cervical biopsy(Neg.) due to impressive pap smears.?
what type of insist on?- Why does my crotch hurt when I have my period?
- Why would this hurt..?
- ladies question for you..?
- Worried?
- Ladies simply!?
- Has anyone ever in truth have results beside breast intensification in need surgery?
- Dont deduce Im dumb, GIRLS ONLY?