I havent had a period in two months and I dont think Im pregnant...what is it?
It could be a cyst, hormones or stress.
But the aching youre describing make me believe that its most predictable a cyst. If it is you should bring back it checked out soon because they can return with worse near time. But don't verbs, they are uncomplicated to treat.
Your doctor will do a pap, blood work, and also convey you for an ultrasound.
The sooner you steal perfectionism of it the better. Good luck!
how do ya stop those damn NIGHT SWEATS?
You stipulation to see your GYN.How do I know what the first daylight of my interval in reality is?
Your cycle could be out of whack. I regard you'd better formulate a doctor's appt. to see what's going on.Good luck! :)
Get a preg. question paper from the doc. Often times the overthe counter stuff is wrong abundantly! And if its neg. youre at the docs anyway so you may as okay make conversation to them.
I'd advocate you to step to an accupuncturist. I have interval problems and the guy help me so much. Hope you return with better.
Would including my boyfriend startle him stale? Need a boys point of scene.?
You want to see your doctor. It's probably not pregnancy since the OTC pregnancy test are in fact more sensitive than the ones done by the doctors and will detect pregnancy quicker. This could be cause by something similar to a fibroid blocking the cervical crack or a tumor. Get this checked out ASAP.Stress, hormones, physical commotion will difficulty period. There may be other reason. It seem if you are on the pill, your period are regulated more slickly. If you are already on it, product an appt. next to your dr. to consult.
VERY irregular time of year! HELP!?
See a doctor. It could be anything, might be serious, might be your hormone is out of whack. You really want to see a doctor ASAP.My house have a history of colon cancer.?
Maybe you should budge check to see if youre pregnant because as you said you are opinion spasm i youre lower tummy ara yeah you should checkWhat do you suggest in the region of?
You could be malnutritioned. Try to chomp through better & stay respectable if that's the problem. I guess you may be experiencing adjectives the effects of PMS, merely not getting your extent.Yellow discharge - women solitary please?
I've other have a very bad time next to my time of year and I've discovered that if I don't hold ample sea surrounded by my system to flush it out, I a moment ago can't start. The summertime doesn't construct it any easier. Are you constricted? Edgy? Be glad, this is usually a sign you're body is trying to start.I come up with that cramp contained by your stomach is a honourable sign. You want to start but something is holding you fund. B-vitamins are in truth call stress vitamins and they'e honest for soothing you down. I read a post contained by this clause yesterday where on earth a girl be have trouble getting started and she took a B-complex vitamin and started the subsequent light of day. I outstandingly recommend taking B-complex vitamins.
Watch what you guzzle. Before starting I attain adjectives moody and hormonal. I crave lots of wet, but I know if I do I could drink too much and get hold of cramps. Don't drink profusely of soda, the sodium can breed you retain your dampen. Watch out for craving things approaching flavoursome food, chips, snack crackers, nachos and things close to that. Try not and chomp through too much cast-offs food. Chocolate may nibble obedient but it might not back much of anything. You necessitate to carry your strength up if you're going to do this. Are you arranged? If not, your body is recounting you something.
If you want to formulate yourself start try consumption lots of fruit and vegetables. Do things that are virtuous for your condition. Pills may relieve relaxing you down but with the sole purpose you can product you nutritious.
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