How can i capture birth control?
Answers: soory, dont know anything going on for it!!.
i get mine on line beside no doctor prescription
it cost more and its delivered to you the next daytime but you have to be there to sing for the pack ..
well its also very prominent to have your own credit card how old are you i'm 21 so i hold a job and a credit card thank god.. my mom would kill me if she know i'm in birth control
just type birth control beside no prescription and it should give you a couple of web page ... .
first off please please please make sure your equipped for SEX. Its a big step. Second of all GOOD FOR YOU, for asking that question. Most form centers give them out for free. Try calling your local health department and create an appointment. They should not only be able to make a contribution you condoms but get you on the pill as well. Don't nick Sex lightly. Its a big step to take and not everyone is set for it at the same time. Make sure your not being pressured and sort sure you use protection EVERY time if you decided to go ahead next to it. Remember the hardest yet most rewarding thing to enunciate is NO!! Good luck and God Bless. planned parent hood. good for you for being smart, however birth control does not protect against stds. If your university has a clinic, you could try. But Planed Parenthood is the best bet. Low cost too!.
Planned Parenthood. poop