Discharge when dance??

i get really heavy discharge when im dance a lot, like it go thru my tights and leo and then i have a showery spot its so embaressing, i havent started my period yet so i dont enjoy pads or anything that i can use, i tried using toilet paper and it worked ok but after a while it purely falls apart and makes a mess in my tights. im not sure wat to do??

Answers:    Just step to the store and get pantiliners. They are a lot thinner than pad so they won't feel all bulky and annoying when dance. Always and Carefree make good pantiliners.
Either tell to your parents about getting some or just buy your own.

You probably know this but Don't use tampons for discharge similar to the person said above. ;).
Every girl gets discharge so its not a big business deal but yes, it's a pain sometimes and it always get worse when exercising. When i play soccer i always have panty liner on because they are easy, cheap, comfortable, and work great. There's not a whole lot you can do give or take a few it unfortunately but i guarantee the panty liners work, and you wont even interest it's there. (:
You can buy them in duplicate spot you would find pads and tampons in any grocery store. Depending on how unhealthy it is you might be able to use panty liners. They are discreet and they should stop you getting raining spots.

Don't use tampons until you have actually started your spell as you can get the illness TSS (Toxix Shock Syndrome) near prolonged and unnecessary use.

If the liners don't work then try sanitary towels..
If you are remarkably much exited during dancing - it could provoke discharge.Read more about vaginal discharge and first extent in http://www.menstrual-cycle.info/5-Vagina... and http://www.menstrual-cycle.info/19-First...
Be Healthy and Happy! You could just use a fluffy pantyliner which would work like the toilet paper but lacking the mess.

EDIT: and do NOT use a tampon if you don't have your period approaching the person suggested above..
don't use a tampon because you don't have ur time of year. instead of using a pad, try pantyliners. i get discharge too but not drastically heavy.

u will be getting ur period soon!.
Excessive amounts of discharge is not middle-of-the-road. Some discharge is normal, but the amount your describing is not. Consult a doctor. :) You canuse panty liners...which are smaller that a wad, and so discreet you wont see them.
This is the best thing to do..
is it sweat or discharge?....Stop dancing omg my friend go through the same thing n it turned out to be an infection!.
try and grasp a pad if you can. there really isnt anything to do contained by this situation use pads. .
tampon. Stick a dildo up

Or a black monster cock.
you nasty. cut that out

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