Ladies...embarrassing question here!?

I really don't approaching it when a man 'go down on me' Am I Robinson Crusoe here? I basically dont resembling it at adjectives. My boyfriend keep nagging me to consent to him and even though I notify him time and time again I dont resembling it, he get affronted. Anything wrong near me?


Superrrrr sturdy period!?

nope i dont approaching it any, everyone have at hand sexual preferences. inform him you arent approaching every other woman and u love him but going down in that isnt your cup of tea, if hes in safe hands hell twig, i be married for 7 years and forever and in a minute i dont similar to it

What happen if it doesn't fit?

Nope, its different strokes etc. etc.

am i retarted?

There are two things.. you any don't close to it and that's only fine, or you basically may not own given it a luck. The truth is it's not to be dismissed and if it's because your bf hasn't done smth right or because you cramp up at the mere thought of it,perchance you should enjoy a tell beside him and speak about him what you resembling and don't similar to and possibly staple down the problem. There can be deeply of things standing in the track, including tuition and persuaded personal beliefs about the practice, but..and I repeat.. you may also freshly not close to it and that does not connote at hand's something wrong near you.

Is nearby any agency I can speed up the arrival of my menstrual cycle?

You own te right to own your own personal preferences, within is zilch wrong next to you.

I am 45 and come up with am nearing menopause. I can be aware of my self modify. what can I do to control it? it is crusty?

No, nil wrong. Everyone like different things. Maybe you don't approaching it because he didn't do it to your pleasure.

I mull over my period hold a short time ago started, I'm anxious, what do I do.?

no. get hold of a better boyfriend, afterwards perchance you;ll similar to it.

My freind get a extent every other happen regularly wil that effect her probability of getting pregnant

Some women a moment ago don't similar to it. Make sure you are firm near your boyfriend. (maybe narrate him why you don't similar to it). If he care almost you, he won't force you to do it.

What are the probability?

No, if you don't approaching it express yourself! But you don't know what you are missing, when you start taste it he won't do it.

what birth control pill is equivalent to Yasmin?

Hey penny , zilch wrong near you. If you dont similar to it dont consent to him do it. If he still nags you you may call for to seriously look for another guy, he is prominently not respecting you. Good luck


There is nought wrong near you.Please don't suggest that within is.
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