Do you think I'm pregnant?

My closing interval started December 20th. It second 3 days and its regular. I have sex on December 25th, 26th, January 2nd, 6th, and 11th. All times we using protection. I really am not worried at all except for the reality that I own be peeing alot lately very well more than usual and I woke up puking this morning and my boobs hold be really sore and my boyfriend doesnt really play beside my boobs alot and he is never rough beside them so i enjoy no model why they hurt. Any concept?

Girly Proublems?

Study up. Mommy!

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·For information in Spanish, appointment 1-800-504-7081
·Call or contact your local Health Department.

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Take a pregnancy theory test.

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You are have the classical presenting symptoms of pregnancy. Go to Walmart and buy a pregnancy tryout to see for sure!

Cory, RN

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Taking a pregnancy examination is the lone channel you'll find out for sure. =/

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There's no track to report to from here, but if you are pregnant next the 6th is the most possible date of conception. 8 days is for a while hasty for morning sickness to show up; I'd be more suspicious of flu but check near your Dr. for a more informed belief.

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yeah ur prolly preg later...

real personal? no unpleasant answers please.?

Woman ovulate roughly 14 days fromt he first day of their term. If your final term be on Dec 20, consequently you would hold ovulated sometime around Jan 3. Since you have sex on Jan 2 and 6th, it's possible. However you did use protection so I dont' really know. Protection isn't 100% Take a try-out.

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You mentioned that your menstrual cycle is regular; thus, it is easier to predict your ovulation term. Generally, a woman will ovulate 14-16 days earlier the kick-off of her extent. You have sex 2 days after your extent finished; however, a woman is MORE plausible to achieve pregnant 8-19 days of her menstrual cycle.

The time during your interval is when a woman is potentially most fertile. A woman's egg can live up to 24 hours and a man's sperm can live inside her body for up to 5-7 days.

You nouns similar to you are exhibiting symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, tender breast, and frequent urination). I can transmit you first appendage that sometimes protection doesn't other work and I experienced impossible to tell apart symptom as you when I become pregnant next to my 2nd child.

Please check out the association. It provides information on how to alleviate the symptoms. Also, receive a pregnancy examination to be sure that you are pregnant. If it is unenthusiastic and you are still experiencing symptoms, retake the pregnancy check 10 days after you reckon you conceived and if that fail, desire medical attention (for other diagnosis or to acquire blood preg. audition for accuracy).

Is this majority?

If your cycles are the average 28 days and the luteal phase is 14 days, your most fertile times of the month would own be Dec. 31 through Jan.4. So, you have sex one perchance two times contained by that glass, offer or pilfer a few days. That said, as expected condoms are not other 100%. I give attention to that's what you be set to by protection versus the pill, ect.
Anyway, The most adjectives impulsive pregnancy symptoms are: nausea, frequent urination, sensitive or swollen boobs. Some women experience: darken of the areola, headache, mood swings, PMS close to cramps minus a term, a metallic morsel surrounded by mouth, sensitivity to smell or appetite, and blue vein on breasts.
If you enjoy any of those near a missed interval free yourself the verbs and help yourself to a pregnancy audition. The ones a the dollar stores enjoy a illustrious sensitivity and are a buck a piece! Until you know treat yourself close to you are and don't smoke, drink, yada yada.
Good Luck- I hope you bring back the outcome you wanting!

Some great sites are:

A great agency to chart your period, fertility, and ovulation:

What can be done to facilitate near the mood swings of PMS?

yup, embezzle a try-out, walmart sell them for approaching 3 bucks

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