Underarm Itching!! Red bumps....?

Ok, I have have these red bumps under one arm inparticular. The other comes and go with itching. I own done everything, from switching laundry soaps, bath soaps, even switching deoderants, to even going lacking deoderants. (yeah I know, gross, but I'm desperate!) I have even put on hydrocortisone cream 1%. Even taken benadryl, which seem to help it SOME. I do whip a hormone pill, estradiol .5 mg, as I've had a hysterectomy. I've done lots of investigate, but come up with nil about hormone related itching,,,,I appear to itch all over my body, CRAZY INSANE itching next to no other bumps, just below my arm,,,,the all over itching comes and go,,,but this underarm thing is ALL THE TIME! This have gone on a year and I'm soooo tired of it! any advice? (I own an appointment in August to see my gyno,,that is the quickest they can go and get me in...) Thanks!


Does it annoy anyone else?

It could possibly be a fungus infection. Have you tried fungicides? What also works economically against fungus is blow drying your skin as well.

I didnt go and get y period yeti have sex with a condomhe pulled out too, and it didnt break, wut can stop pms?

I catch this frpm shaving. I do not know whether you get it from shaving too, but if you do it is a shaving impulsive from sensitive skin.

Is this too skinny?

did the red bumps happen formerly the hormone therapy or after?

Very bulky period, excluded to use tampons, dont think my pad can take it, what do i do?

i never have that problem having itching and rosiness bumps under my arms ? wreak i dont use soap or even switching ? you need to jump buy yourself a shaving creams that only use for ladies . resourcefully may be you shouldnt put too much deoderant on youre armpit cause will end in driedless and sweats alot if you use only alike brand bottle. you should go try something modern instead that has the right adate on the bottle . if you do thieve shower or bath after you might want to dried beneath youre arm with verbs towel by padding on it and put body lotion after so that youre skins wouldnt own cracks or even itched .

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