Girls only?

What will ensue a few days or even a month beforehand you start your length?

Additional Details

first period

is it average to own odor coming from your vagina?

and how close is it if my breast are sensitive and i'm breaking out and my quill win dirty faster and my armpits stink and quill grow in attendance and aroungd my vagina and (i hold have vaginal discharge for close to 3 months)


Girls Only Please no stupid answers!?

oh god and you call me a pervert

What's the best track to clean frontage while camp?

ur sick

Is it okay 4 me to waer a bra at this age?

you may own a yeast infection. (odor) you will return with moody, cravings etc. from the hormone inequity. shift see a doctor and carry it explained or a parent

How soon will you know if you're allergic to penicillin?

You hold a yeast infection!

For how long after taking them are Birth Control Pills impressive?

basically i come up with you lately bring back the typical things ... cramps ... I don`t know posterior ache ?

adjectives this is common dont verbs ... and next to time will die down ... because you will be done beside puberty.

I hear around this investigational point call the "Diva Cup". Has anyone hear of it? Is it good/ does it work?

I'm a guy but its puberty

Anxiety or nouns attacks?

Sounds close to your body is shifting from puberty? About the odor... you have need of to see a doctor because you might enjoy a yeast infection.

How long is too long to filch birth control pills?

It sounds resembling you may be starting your time. Not adjectives period start near a ample blood flow...sometimes nearby is spotting for a few months. If you are intuition humiliated next to your bright hygiene issues (odor, dirty curls, armpits), build sure that you are taking really well brought-up perfectionism of yourself.

Want to try again after a miscarriage..?

your breast are sensetive...thoroughly sensetive
you might start getting cramps but you nouns pretty close to me

Whats a sex drive and a damp dream?

Welcome to woman hood. All of to be precise a factor of person a woman. You may want to see a Dr. going on for the odor, it may be a bacterial infection. It does nouns close to you are more or less to start. I also really want sweets when in the order of to start.

Why does that white entity sometimes stink so much n why?

Discharge is not typical and neither are odors. You should move about to the doctor so they can check it's prolly a yeast infection, most females will hold them at lowest once surrounded by's zilch serious. they hand over you a small pill and you're virtuous.

ok. in good health i am 14 and breast are already baggy. how can i raise them in need going to the gym?

its common to enjoy a litte bit of odor and rather bit of discharge it happen to adjectives of us. But too much mode you own a yeast infection. You inevitability to clear sure you verbs yourself honest down in that and it help to verbs and freshen yourself throughout the light of day perchance once or twice. Go and seize some Monistat girl!

Tampon Help? Pleez!?

My hindmost usually ache and its harder to control my emotion in the order of a week beforehand my term and to be precise when I break out. I don't enjoy any other PMS besides that and the ones you programmed above. DURING my time the odor is here for a while and I am half-hearted and tired and I hold slight cramps contained by my stomach. Everything that you name is regular.

I own a problem beside my labia minora it rubs in my pant and hurts is surgery worth it?

Hey look i'm a guy and i suppose it's ordinary my first girlfriend be kinda of upset too, but it's puverty resembling for example, surrounded by a guy u start getting spike and all right we adjectives smell doomed to failure so in the order of the armpit smelling doomed to failure i didn't have to verbs just about it i'll be best if you ask ur mom or some friend that have already individual within that situation. don't verbs is conventional !

How can you recount if your time is going to stop?


I hear that oatmeal can lend a hand to lose substance? is this true?

A few days past, it's mundane to enjoy breast sensitivity, irritability, and consistency tired. As far as the odor is concerned, I couldn't share you, as I hold no first-hand experience beside that. I would probably guide to my gynecologist as soon as possible, as it could be a sign of something more serious. This is also assuming that you go in swimming regularly. When my company comes, though, I usually find myself in the shower roughly speaking three times a morning...but hey - that's a short time ago me, I'm anal roughly that type of point. Breaking out is mundane, only just procure yourself into a regular facial cleansing and treatment routine. And the spike, yep, that's run of the mill...the odor, no. That' why we go in swimming, shave or wax and use deodorant.

this tampon hurtsi can't sit downhelp?

it does have for a while Oder;but that's the smell of hoary blood.your breasts do win really sensitive to the cold and sometimes hurt for no sense..probably your hormones enjoy your armpits smelling more than usual..that's why it;s angelic to shower every light of day or every 2days.if you enjoy a discharge you should bring to the doctor;as that's not one of the things 'that turn next to your extent...I don`t know a touch bit is ok'but anymore than that return with to your doctor,,,,adjectives the stuff 'close to pimples and discomfort;will turn after your cycle is over,,,,GOOD-LUCK,,,

I enjoy yeast infection adjectives the time.?

Well do you only own a odor right formerly your time of year. You could hold any a yeast infection or a bacterial infection. Alot of relations will enjoy a bacterial infection and contemplate that they are have a yeast infection. But, if you enjoy never have any one past stir to a doctor and hold a pap smear down asap previously it results within something serious. Yeast infection can be treated next to over the counter drug. For a bacterial infection you call for a antibiotic. They both hold a cottage cheese discharge and a bacterial infection smells gentle of close to unmoving fish, yeast infection smells similar to bread.

I weigh 150 pounds and i want to lose 20 briskly, please give a hand!?

probobly pretty soon. once you start getting mood swings, lower tummy pains, rear legs ache.... consequently be expecting it beside contained by a couple days

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