Whats wrong?

my discharge looks like mini-cottage cheese approaching and my vagina itches really bad it burns and burns worse when i pee.
but it doesnt smell, and vagisil individual makes it worse- i told my mom and shes going to work on going to the doctors, but i don't want to go to the doctors what should i do?


Birth control side effects?

Sounds similar to vaginitis -Candidiasis. I would try monistat cream you should know pretty quickly if it is going to serve or not. If that does not help or if the discharge become a different color or develops an odor you will need to see your doc...suitable luck

My little sister has a bigger chest than me?

You should really step to the doctors. It sounds like you hold an infection.

Periods, doctors, please read. I'm losing hope.?

Definitely get to the doctor - in that's really no way around it.

Why do women find bloated?

It sounds like you might own a infection. You wont no what you have untill you no if you enjoy been have sex, or not. They can be numerous things. For the best results you should go to the Doctor. I no it might be mortifying but hey it better then getting sick.

Plzzz give support to me is this normal im not trying to be gross or anything have it happened to you ?

You necessitate to go to the doctor.
It is a robustness problem, you obviously enjoy some form of infection.
If left untreated some infections can motivation infertility.
when it comes to your body, and your private regions, its never a good thought to guess, or to wait around and see what will take place when something is wrong.
People too scared to run to the doctor, often meander up sharing stds with others because it be too embarrassing to recount someone. You dont want to grow into someone like that, and you wouldnt approaching it if it happened to you.
This is portion of the process of maturity.
Doctors own seen it adjectives. Get your but, it there, and attain some medication to clear your infection up. You will feel much better for it.

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