Periods, doctors, please read. I'm losing hope.?

I've had my length for 5 months straight. I've been taking hormones for around 2 months now and still no luck near having a usual period or have the bleeding stop. My doctor bumped up my hormone dose to double. I'm so desperate to find out what can stop this! I've had 7 doctors appts contained by the past 2 months. I'm sick of ob/gyns. I simply want to be normal. Has this happen to anyone and what did they prescribe or do for you? Because I need answers.

Sex during pregnancy?

I have the same problem for 4 months straight, just I did not do the hormones (my mom died from breast cancer) they gave me a D&C and it help, though I must say it have been 2 1/2 years and I am have problems again but not as long just cumbersome, heavy hurting periods again, but at most minuscule they stop. I am surprised they have not suggested it, the gyno's I penny-pinching.
Good Luck, I understand how tiring and rough and frustrating it is. Maybe see one more Gyno and ask something like getting a D&C.

I did not realize your age, but it may be the only article to stop the bleeding, they did put me on a hormone after the D&C (just progesterone) to try and make my body swot when to stop bleeding it was one and only for 10 days out of the month, I did it for 4 months and quit because I did not like what they did to me (made every smell I have 10x stronger) it is a male hormone, but it may not do that to you because you are younger, I be 32 when i had it done. I do not regret it at adjectives, but you will be pretty sore afterward, so take it jammy. (they can give you niggle pills for afterward) Good Luck

I have asked this cross-examine but yet i own not get the answer.I own some breast and idid not like some breast.

that's graceful. birth control pills, normally will aid

Is loosing your virginity really THAT big of a deal?

you be determined 5 months straight as in the undamaged month for 5 months straight? That's not normal at adjectives. It's a shame you can't even find a decent GYN to back you. I hope everything goes ok


I'm not a Dr. so i clearly own no idea. But...I will unequivocally say a prayer for you. Looks resembling you need a miracle:) I hope you bring back it, soon! Good Luck

Ladies- How do you know if you have a bladder infection and what can you do to discern better?

Have you been going to indistinguishable doctor, cause if you own i suggest that you find another one. And if he says hormones, find another one

Am i PMSing?

If it be me, i'd get a second inference.. third , fourth till i got answers..
not knowing your age, and other things. and, not competent to diagnose and not wise to attempt to anyway.. near are so many things that could be going on next to you.
I hear your frustration and concern.
I know it is hard presently to focus on just letting be.. but, stress affects so much of our condition..
try to get massage, and de-stress as much as possible..
it may not be the answer to THE Problem, but, couldn't hurt to help you concordat with...
well brought-up luck to you..

Sex n lubricant?

You want to make sure you are taking iron, but it sounds resembling either fibroid tumors,-which would enjoy shrunk with hormone therapy-but since you don't read aloud what hormone therapy it's thorny to say, usually they will impart 'lupron' injection(s) EVEN MORE SERIOUS it could be 'endometriosis' please please tell your GYN to do a sonogram for this right away!! to cause sure it's not this. And please go to the network and do a search for both, and find out more, here are many, I recomend --

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