Please give support to! TTC for 6 months, could I be pregnant finally?

When I push down in my lower tummy, I get a vast kind of torment. It's somewhat sharp, but doesn't really hurt. Could I be pregnant? I have other symptoms as ably, such as light cramping, tender nipples, and fatigue. To avoid disappointment, I'm going to put stale testing for in the order of a week, as my period is due within about 4 days. I've be ttc for 6 months.

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Well, the symptoms you describe could be precipitate pregnancy symptoms or they could simply be PMS. I have the exact same symptoms every month until that time my period starts. The individual way to give an account if you are pregnant is to take a theory test.

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It could be your period. Wait for few more days until you miss your term. Be relaxed. I experienced this last month but i wasnt pregnant. You could be or could not be pregnant..

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it's a possibility that you are pregnant, but your body could also be preparing for your period, so i would continue til a couple of days after your period is due beforehand taking a test that path your hormones will be high plenty to be deteted if you are pregnant! good luck!

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