After vaginoplasty cosmetic surgery, any maintananece herbal/ inborn treatments?

I 've had a vaginoplasty tightening surgury almost 1 week ago. Is here any maintenance herbal pills/ointments/creams/ sitz hip bath preparation to maintain the vagina tight/ taut/ intact after the invigorating process of 6-8weeks? My GYN said that he did not recommend Kegals exercises right now. I am sore beside burning and discomfort in the area.Little post-op singing instructions was given. When I asked surrounded by the recovery room for any written post-op instructions, they said here was none available. What vitamin/ minerals/ foods is recommended for beneficial after surgery?

My menstral cramps are unbearible! I faint and am contained by PAIN! HELP?

All the unnatural things lead to sufferings
one must slake oneself with what ever is granted
unconscious anti septic and healer are
Calendula - mother Tincture can be applied locally and taken through mouth
also calendula cream is available for local application
then Echinecea -mother Tincture 10 drops in sea thrice a day
if taken no anti biotic is required

What can I do with excess (unused) birth control pills? Can I sell them anywhere?

Well I am not sure roughly that, but after I had an episiotamy, the Tucks medicated pad were a existence saver. They sooth the burning etc. They are for hemorrhoids, but the hospital give them to me after each of my kids, its worth a shot, and the generic work a moment ago as well. I put it on and departed it there for a while, definitely, do not put them up inside you.
Also the little bottle, I cant remember what it is called that you crawl with melt water and humanely spray instead of wiping, later pat dry, I would think it would facilitate since it is an incision in the same nouns.

White discharge?.. please no nasty or rude answers?

libia slackening u must have be loose im sure u feel alot better can i b the 1st

Ovulation during time of year?

I just looked at a website that give me a description and pictures of the procedure you had done.

Don't you ruminate that after having something approaching that done to the most intimate part of your body you should be asking your doctor these question?

Every day for times past 5 days I have be getting my period between 10 am and 1 pm and it go off that evenin

Vitamin E supplements and a accurate Multivitamin is all I recommend anyone run after surgery; these will help next to healing. Do not bear any other medications in need first clearing it with your Gyn. Apply neosporin to the perineal nouns for the first few weeks. Apply the blue can of Dermaplast as needed for pain ( ring up your local pharmacy stores to see who has this non prescription spray contained by stock) Do not take tub baths for the first 10 days. Tylenol can also be taken as needed for dull pain. Do not insert ANYTHING vaginally for 6-8wks. Leukorrhea is quite adjectives after this procedure, but if you notice a foul smell contact your vigour provider.
Best of luck to you!

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