Confused near the pill..?

I only go to the dr and got the prescribtion today. It say to start on the first day of your interval and in the red slice of the pills, but I am on the second day of my time of year and my period would still be going once it is out the red clause on the packet. Do I start taking them today? Or should I wait a month and start on the first time of my period?
(doctor did not explain it severely well to me)

Thanks contained by advance.

Why when you carry hit in the vagina it hurts so discouraging?

You can start today. It doesn't matter if your are still bleeding while taking the involved pills - before long the pills will control when you bleed. Just save taking them day by year whether your bleed or not. If your pack has days dotted, take the first one that have the right day on it from that box.

Your cycle may be a bit screwed up during the first three months - bleeding or spotting in the middle, or no bleeding at teh end, but it usually sorts itself out in three months.

If you still have problems after three months you obligation to go vertebrae to your doctor to change pills

I am so bright and breezy:)?

Call your doctor or pharmacist... they can answer this.

Can you safely skip your length?

I advise you to jump back to the doctors ASAP and ask her/him going on for this because your doctor is the best person to abet you in this situtation. Good luck!

How do you wear white panties lacking stuff gettin on them?

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about this!

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