What does it mean when your cervix is tilted slightly to the departed?
It sounds excactly like you enjoy a prolapsed uterus.
This is when the uterus falls over sideways and/or falls down into the vaginal vault.
It can be cause by childbirth which stretches the ligaments and muscles that hold it in it's correct position.
Loose pelvic floor muscles can also be a through contibutor.
You can help your situation by doing pelvic floor muscles excercises.
You want to pull within tight your whole crutch nouns and pull it up. Hold for a few second and release. Go again.
There is plenty of information regarding on how tpo do these excercises correctly and effectively.
As for fertility, a prolapse can take home it more difficult to conceive and carry. and will for sure get worse after child birth if you don't maintain up with your excercises.
It is completely common surrounded by many woman. It's a wonder your Doctor didn't consider it. But neither did my Doctor adjectives the times he did a smear and couldn't find my cervix. Yuk!!
It can be confirmed by a normal untrasound or vaginal one.
I'm 22 and worried around irregular bleeding, can anyone help?
I'm going to prescribe you 90 kegels and 2 orgasms a morning