How likely is it that a woman would know how to get pregnant after have her tubes tied?

well they are not tied they have have a piece cut out then the ends of respectively fallopian tube clamped shut. Does anyone know someone this has happen to and if so can you give somewhat information on the woman

How accessible are the Morning-After Pills?

No I have never hear of anyone who got pregnant after have this type of procedure done. Just in bag you are wondering the procedure is reversible but there is no guarantee that you will conceive after have it done.
Not to many years ago they use to hoop the tube and clamp it and i know of woman who own conceive after having that procedure done. Hope I answered your give somebody the third degree.

Faking an orgasm, good or desperate?

That procedure is 99.9% effective.

What could be wrong next to me?

what a silly donkey!
those little pollywog's swim to the cut .
You got a brain THEN what??
swim out into the abdominal cavity and DO what??
rattle into the other tied tube?
YOU have to enjoy a lot of reliance that little williger made it past adjectives the the defense bugs.
Then turn it around,, the little egg pops out and slip-n-slides down to the cut .... maybe the polliwog might manufacture it but the egg is like a 100 times as big
NO path!!

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