Why is sex painfun for me, especially when I first start?

i don't mean when we hold sex for the first time ever, but me and my boyfriend have sex like mad, yet almost every time we start it hurts at first.

Ok is nearby a way to increase breat size minus surgery, or stuffing?

maybe you could try to work your channel into it. make sure you are economically lubricated and start off slow. if it is a really fruitless pain throughout the in one piece session try talking to your doctor just about it.

Strech marks?

He's rushing things too quick before your body warm up. Try extending the foreplay.

What do you do if you start bleeding when your having sex?

Painful Sex: Causes and Solutions 1-3

1. How it hurts: You perceive a sharp, stabbing pain on one side of your pelvis during philosophical penetration. You may also surface a dull ache during your length.

The possible cause: An ovarian cyst -- a fluid-filled growth that affects give or take a few 30 percent of premenopausal women.

What to do: Most cysts are harmless and disappear by themselves in two or three menstrual cycles, says Canavan. Your doctor will probably do an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis and ask you to check vertebrae two months later if sex still hurts. In the meantime, help yourself to 400 mg of ibuprofen one hour before intercourse to relieve discomfort and try have sex with you on top, a position that allows you to control the depth of permeation.

2. How it hurts: Your genitals feel itchy, irritated and sensitive, especially to the touch. After intercourse, your vagina looks red and inflamed, and feel as if it's on fire.

The possible make happen: A yeast infection, which triggers pain during sex in in the order of a quarter of sufferers. Don't wait until you see the telltale cottage-cheese-like discharge until that time seeking help. "It's a myth that this discharge other accompanies a yeast infection," say Elizabeth G. Stewart, M.D., an ob/gyn and coauthor of The V Book. "Sometimes pain is your single clue." Other possible culprits: feminine hygiene sprays, scented pad, perfumed soap or tub oils -- adjectives of which can irritate your vagina.

What to do: See your ob/gyn, who will confirm whether you have a yeast infection, and if you do, will prescribe medication. As for skin irritation: No woman should use feminine hygiene sprays, because they regularly trigger rashes. If you enjoy sensitive skin, buy unscented sanitary pads, use individual mild, hypoallergenic soaps and launder your underwear with fragrance-free detergent. An over-the-counter cortisone cream or Vagisil can relieve pain and itching.

3. How it hurts: Your perineum -- the area where on earth you may have have a deep hole or an episiotomy when giving birth -- feels tense, tender and painful during initial permeation.

The possible cause: Rigid, rugged scar tissue due to that opening or episiotomy. Women who have any during childbirth are 80 percent more likely to report rough sex three months later than those who didn't experience tissue reduce to rubble during delivery, reports a study from Harvard Medical School.

What to do: Massage the bumpy area once a hours of daylight for a few minutes using a water-based lubricant. "This helps desensitize the guts endings and make the skin more pliable, easing penetration," say John F. Steege, M.D., an ob/gyn professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. If the area is deeply sensitive, ask your doctor for a prescription cream with lidocaine, a numbing agent that will get intercourse less aching. Still no relief? Consider minor surgery to remove deformity tissue.

Women only please.?

lubricate,lubricate,lubricate. he own a tongue?...

For girls.. question nearly my period ?

it is because you both do it surrounded by hurry and with a sense of guilt. hold ample of time, good place and a long long foreplay untill you have a feeling great lubrication.

.never Had first Period?

you probaly need more foreplay and some upright lubrication

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