How to stop anyone jealous/untrusting?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and we be best friends (sometimes with benefits) for 3 years before that. So I pretty much know everything nearly him…..and that’s the problem. He’s always been a bit of a man*hore. If he have the opportunity to mess around with a girl he did and never gave it a second thought. He said he’s cheated on every girlfriend except me. He flirts next to every girl he knows and pretty much demands attention from every girl he comes across. He’s even lied to me to hang out near his ex-gf or some other girl and I found out because he either slipped up or one of his friends let it out. It’s similar to he NEEDS female attention (other than mine) to survive.
He is the love of my life, he feel the same way in the region of me and says he’s never felt this passageway about anyone, and wants to gain married someday. How do I stop being jealous and freshly trust him? Help!

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He doesn't seem trustworthy to me. You have reason to be worried and jealous. I would just be friends. It won't work out anyways.


Well from what you know roughly his past, he doesn't seem terrifically trustworthy to me..
Maybe you can try talking to him about it though, and report to him how you feel.
If he really loves you as much as you think he does, he should take and change his ways a bit.
If it continues, maybe you should try basically being friends so that you don't get hurt.

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If he lied to you to jump "hang" with an ex, I am guessing he's lied about the certainty he's not cheated on you. I dont want to add to your fears, but I dont think he's man faithful to you. Good luck

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um.. see a physciatrist

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TBH i couldnt deal near that sort of relationship and all that worry. Ive be in a *similar* situation before myself and the trust issue and worrying put such a huge strain on the relationship and pushed him away indefinatly cause him to cheat. To me when you say he LIED about person somewhere or slips stuff up, sets alarm bells ringing. I know you say you love him but i think you'd be better bad without him cause when it comes down to it, knowing he is cheating on you is going to be so much more heartbreaking than if you be to have some self respect and walk away from someone who clearly doesnt diligence or feel the same path as you. You deserve to have someone who loves you as much as you love them and this guy is clearly not worthy of your love. He sounds like a bit of a bas tard, i dont expect to offend but no girl should ever lower herself to someone like that. Here's some direction my mum once gave me "never fall contained by love with someone who doesnt love you back"
Also you *think* he is the love of your life.i give attention to that when you meet the love of your life, they grain exactly the same and you will both know it. Please dont be a doormatt and let this scummy manw hore put your foot all over you. Find yourself a REAL MAN! Good luck xx

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Its not what you have to do, its adjectives on him. How does he expect you to trust him when he says hes changed and this time is different but his actions havnt changed. It seem like your not jealous but using adjectives sense. Im not saying hes cheating, but having that perchance in the back of your commander is going to eventually start hurting your relationship. You need to explain to him that when he does these thing even if their safe, they hurt you. And if hes the one you should be with he will do whatever it take to make sure your happy and protected with the relationship. Wouldnt he feel like peas in a pod way if you were doing what hes doing? He might have need of attention but you cant act single and be in a serious relationship it doesnt work that style, hes gonna have to choose. Good luck! and hang within there.

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