I own to go to the girly doctor! and im sooooooooo panicky!?

I am afraid that they will tell me i enjoy something.. Someone tell me something to engender me not scared please?

Has anyone suffered from extreme fatigue?

Relax. The girly doctor can other be wrong about anything she say.
Say " Can I get another view somewhere please?"
or go to another one short telling the girly doctor.

If your a virgin do tampons hurt more when u first try them out?

Every woman have to go and it is just routine. So chill out.

Im going on the pill how can i keep myself from purchase weight?

u hold nothing to unease but fear itself
hope that worked

How do I prevent a UTI?

the obedient thing in the region of is ,the Dr is a female too

What is this at the entrance to my vagina?

Why be startled? You would rather enjoy the knowledge if something is wrong so it can be treated. Without knowing any specifics whatsoever adjectives I can say is it will be fine.

Is at hand ever an estimate?

just go it is not o big concord

I've had my length for 3 weeks now. Does anybody know what that resources?

like most things in life, you gain the courage simply by going through with it. After the first time, you won't be so intimidated on subsequent visit.

This might be x rated?

Ok first bad, how old are you? The girly doctor is call a gynocologist and there's nought to be scared roughly speaking. The only channel you could have something is if you've have unprotected sex and got an infection or own AIDS or something. When you go it's totally professional and they're really nice nearly it. Tell her that it's your first time and that you're a little startled. They will tell you what to expect and how it will get the impression. When you take a pap smear check, they will tell you that no report is good word. You shouldn't be worried, every girl has to jump through it eventually.

My sex drive has decrease big time after i have a yeast infection what does this propose?

its not the best thing contained by the world but you do need to step. If you don't go somthing can be wrong and you will never know. The flawless thing is if you do step and they do find somthing then they can treat it right away. So simply take a cavernous breath chill out and go. Its a angelic thing

I don't get hold of my period?

i be really scared the first time i go too. i even still am a little self-conscious sometimes...but think nearly this- if you don't go see your GYN you could hold an STD and not even know and this could cause adjectives kinds of problems, and you HAVE to win regular Pap tests to check for cervical cancer, which can retrieve your life.

How does it touch to reach orgasm. what can i do to realize one?

Well, if you have intention to be scared at adjectives I guess there's a possiblity that you might. The best item to do, in my assessment, is first, realize that you probably don't. Secondly, if you do, at least you're finding out in a minute and can do something about it. Most of the things that could dance wrong down there are fixable. Some patently aren't...but I would venture to read out that MOST are. So, just maintain a positive attitude, treat it like any other familiarized trip to the doctors, and don't blame yourself for being worried.

And subsequent time, maybe remember how terrified you are now, and how you might prevent it surrounded by the future. Women are lucky adequate to have almost total control over their bodies surrounded by a sexual manner...and they didn't other...so take lead of that opportunity!

What does cyber sex involve?

Don't worry, you'll be OK.

Can you still bleed from wearing a tampon?


I get burning down the front of my legs, I am womanly,48 yrs?

At this point you're worrying about something you can't transmutation. If you do have something you can't conveyance it. Just deal beside it and take is as a lesson intellectual. Be more careful. Remember how you get the impression right now and don't put yourself contained by a position to ever feel approaching this again. Like I said, you're worrying about something that can't be changed. If you've get something, you've got something. Too slowly to change that immediately, so just breath, walk to the dr and do what needs to be done if you do hold something.

Do you gain alot of weight near the Depo-Shot?

Why would you be afraid you have something? Chances are its of late going to be a routine checkup and every women, young and antediluvian do it. If your embarrassed look around you surrounded by the waiting and multiply that by five days a week. That's how many private women parts the Dr. have seen, perchance more so by the time he gets to you it's basically another engine that needs looked at. Besides, if here is something wrong don't you want to find out and get it fixed? Not knowing I infer would be the scary cog and walking out of there beside a clean bill of robustness and a co-pay will be like a bonus!

What is the best blade for a women?

it's something that we all hold to do so everyone has to facade their fears

How do I get smaller breast?

just remember everyone go and remember that there are alot of society out there next to stds and all different things and they find out so relax they will know how to treat it if you get anything and if you havent relle did it beside anyone that you are sure about next u should be fine =] relax dont panic =]

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