Can this bequeath me a urinary tract infection?

Can you get a urinary tract infection from putting Preparation H on a hemorrhoid? I want to put some on my hemorrhoid but am afraid that as I sit down throughout the day and move the cream might move towards my vaginal nouns and might get in it and furnish me a UTI. Is this possible? I had a UTI once and it was a especially painful and annoying experience so I am very reliable not to have it again!

Answers:    You should be good to budge as the cream doesn't just sit on the affected nouns but is absorbed entirely. Outside of that, as you're well aware, the ureter is at the complete conflicting end of the vagina from your anus so it's really unlikely that, should your sweat carry lotion from the back to the front, you'll get a UTI. In insert to how far it's got to travel Preparation H isn't that kind of irritant. Just hold on to the area cleaned up and tidy and you'll be right as rain beforehand you know it..
No. But, you might be more comfortable if, instead of the cream, you buy Preparation H suppositories that you insert in your rectum. Then you won't have to verbs about the cream going all over and to the front. No, I cogitate the chance for that happening is slim. I enjoy used the cream before and as long as you don't use too much and make sure the cream is completely rubbed surrounded by I doubt you need to worry more or less a UTI.

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