When will i achieve my term??????

i am 12 years old and me and my friend haven't gotten our period nonetheless we both have started getting boobs and we both have approaching white gooey stuff coming out of our vagina. this has been scheduled to me for a year and i dnt no wen i am gonna get my period. i rle wanna no so if anyone can minister to us plese tell us!! thanx

Answers:    It sounds like you're capably on your way to having your first time of year, however no one can say exactly when a girl will find her first menstrual period, but usually girls will get it some time during puberty.

Some girls start puberty at age 9 or 10 where on earth others may start as late as age 15 or 16. Each girl goes at her own gait. So don't think that it's a bad entry or that something is wrong if your friends start puberty a little earlier/later than you.

At the beginning of puberty, you'll catch sight of that your breasts are developing and you're starting to grow a little hair below your arms. Hair also will grow on your genitals (pubic hair). In some girls, the time from the beginning of puberty to getting the first menstrual period may rob only 6 months, where as for other girls, it may give somebody a lift longer and can take up to 3 years. Another sign is vaginal discharge fluid (sort of like mucus) that a girl might see or get the impression on her underwear. This discharge usually begins about 6 months to a year formerly a girl gets her first period.

Every girl is different, and near is a wide range of common development during puberty.

All I can say is that you should be lenient, it will happen when your body is ready.

Good luck :).
relish your time without it.
I need other facts.
do you hold pubic hair?
underarm hair or tresses on your legs?
those are all signs and the white gooey stuff you're experiencing is called Discharge. its the fluent way of our vagina's self cleaning themselves. Don't rush your period. We can't make clear to exactly WHEN you're going to start but i'd give it a few months to a year or so..
You will get your time when it is time. It is not time as of yet. You have already begin to have the changes which come when a infantile girl begins puberty, just remember that once you get hold of your period you will wish you never did so if I be you and your friends I would enjoy this time in your life span and permit mother nature to pinch it's course. i was like that until i turned 13 and almost a month after my bday i got it.
i was worried i would never draw from it, but it came one random year of me doing nothing.
and when people nickname it the curse, there lying bc it doesnt hurt at all.

very well for me it didnt.
just dont worry it will come when you lowest expect it =]].
probably not to long, maybe by the end of the year.
it depends also when did your mom go and get it?
because thats a good factor when your wondring when you'll get it..

when you return with it you'll wish you didnt though lol..
usually you get it 6 months to a year after have discharge (the gooey stuff) So you should be getting any time. Be prepared, carry a pad beside you in your book bag freshly in case. not a soul can really say when anyone will start there period. things happen in different advice. but from what i can see all those signs probably mean youll start pretty soon. transport a sanitary towel around with you i would

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