What can basis cramps in the lower abdimal nouns?

Not caused by the peiod. Described as experiencing cramps in a lower nouns than usuall for Cramps anyway. What can cause this, is this run of the mill?

Skip, or induce my period for this month?

It can be any number of things, but you should incontestably be checked for STD, bladder infection, etc. There are actually lots of point it can be. I would need more information.


Which pad are best for when you are moving around in your period?

umm not surrounded by a peroid im not shure. maybe some muscles are conntracting, and may lead to cramps. cramps are caused by a sudden or a briskly movement of the musscle. so you might want to ask the doc and or maybe munificent of live with it. ably that all i know ^_^

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