I need assist.. FAST!!?

I was sitting on the couch and my vagina starts to itch. Sooo thinking zilch of it i scratch it. The itching continued for just about 15 min it seemed and never go away when i scratched it. Then i get up to step to the restroom and the "lips" of my vagina are swollen. I have NO thought what this is.. can someone spare some knowledge?

I obligation help.?

It's a yeast infection and sort of common. You can dance to any store for OTC treatment. Don't scratch!

How abundant CALORIES?!?!?

they dont get kissed satisfactory? yeast infection?

I was wondering my friend is 13 and she is other horny and she has sex beside her little cousin which is 8?

You may have a yeast infectiion

Is this PMS?

could be a yeast infection.

I stopped the pill 4 months ago and I still haven't gotten my time of year.?

You might have a yeast infection or that you did not mop up all the soap away from the highly sensitive skin when you last bathed. The swelling is prob due to the scatching because the vaginal nouns is very sensitive to touch and prob swelled up a bit preparing for sex in truth. Good luck

Did my partner cheat?

yeast infection. dont scratch! it is adjectives. i have have it. go to the pharmacy and acquire some cream that u put there.

I m 13 yrs older girl without period?

Probably a yeast infection. If so, I don't think you inevitability a prescription for them anymore, you can just move about to the pharmacy. While you are there, ask a pharmacist. There are lots women pharmacists now. Yeast infections are incredibly common. I used to return with them from stress.

I lost my virginity like finishing month.. and my bf didnt ware a condom..but he pulled out?

you have a yest infection...you should step to this web site...http://www.monistat.com/monistattreatmen...
and try out this product...it works severely very well

the daughter and mother

Ladies, tampons and swimming?

you mite requirement to visit the doctor beacuse I enjoy been have the same problem. Im worried can you minister to me too? I am on the pill and had sex over a week ago do u focus this had anythin do do beside it?

Is it possible for some one to get pregant who have POLYSISTIC OVARIAN DIASEASE?

yeast infection

Is it okay to have sex everyday?

yeast infection
you should return with monistat, 3 day is probably the best.
it comes near an external creme,applicators and suppositories that you insert into the applicator and put inside of you, like a tampon.

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