My gf is comeing home she seem ok?

if u dont know she tryed to kill herself i wanna do something nice for her when she comes home any ideas

Im unmarked to this?

Roses, those are always nice, hold it in the house, cook/buy her favorate buffet, make it adjectives about her.

Stopped birth control pills?

get her some counseling sessions.

Help? extent 1st with swimming?

cook her a nice collation, with candles and the lot. rent out her fondness film. run a nice hot bubble tub for her. give her a posterior rub or masssage.

Before getting my periods i get the impression really uneasywhy?

of corse we dont know..

and she proboly dosnt like you if she tried to eliminate herself

If im on top?

She will need adjectives the support you can give her. Tell her you love her and it's going to be alright make a contribution her a hug and make dinner. Make sure everyone else around is supportive as ably. Ussually if she has be in a mental vigour unit they will arrange for her to see a psychologist/psychiatrist/ther... If they havent It may be a polite idea to arrange it. She may want you to be in motion with her and confer through her problems. Just being nearby for her will help and it's a nice piece to do.

Is this true?

that guy is an asshole ^...dont listen to him... just be middle-of-the-road cook her, her fav. meal.. her fav. music.. or pinch her out somewhere..

What do i do?

when she comes home, have her flowers waiting and next that night or the subsequent night, thieve her out to eat a a nice restuarant and to a movie. or perchance you could give her some money or appropriate her shopping for new parenthood or just regular clothes or things for the child. also, give her a nice foot, pay for, and whever else she wants massage. you could make a coupon book for her beside, a get out of dishes card, laundry card, and other houshold chores that ar a throbbing to can do these for her when she gives you one of the coupons.

Stomach noise..?

start by giving her beautiful flowers, relaxed atmosphere, show her how legitimate men treat a woman....... with compassion, pain, and care.

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