Is it possible to have a really narrow vaginal opening?

This sounds odd, but when have a smear test I have a lot of headache. Although not a virgin, I never seem to own widened 'down below' and the tightness cause a sharp pain when the implement used for the smear experiment is put inside me. The doctor told me to come back within a couple of weeks and she'd try again but I am now worried that I am tighter than I should be and that it's going to motive me further trouble. Anyone else had this problem and any tips on how to loosen a bit? (Except by have more sex).

Is it normal?

If you are have a normal niggle free love life later the chances are big that the tightness is muscle contraction due to nerves.

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Everyone ( very well everyone i know) gets discomfort at smear test - its in general fear and nerves which clear it impossible to do smear.

You need to be cool, calm and collected and think going on for something totally different when she is doing it - it does literally only cart a minute. Think about your holiday and beforehand you know it it will be over.

Good luck

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it could be your pelvic bone as opposed to your vagina size. the speculum could be pressing on the bone when they start to stretch out it up.
if you have no problems during penis insertion, i would say aloud try and tolerate it for the smear.
for sex - tight is good.

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