Should I be concerned?

For 6 years my periods have be regular. I have been on the pill for 6 years and during this time I other came 'on' on a Saturday and 'off' on a Wednesday.

For the last 4 months I enjoy had irregular periods. Sometimes I come 'on' on a Friday and bad the next Friday, I had sometime in the middle of the month I came on (not during my seven sunshine break). It's all been a bit up and down. This Saturday I be having horrible period pains and I am not on my extent.

I was tested in February within case I had any infections cause this and I cam back all clear - no infections or diseases. My doctor told me a short time ago to keep a period diary for 3 months .

Should I be concerned and should I ask my doctor to do more test? I never had a problem for 6 years and suddenly my periods hold gone all whacky.

Any advice appreciated! :-)

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It might be worth going spinal column to your GP and asking if he could refer you for a pelvic ultrasound. The pain you described sounds very much resembling ovulation pain, which would explain why you didn't get your interval. Sometimes your body decides to work against the pill for some unknown reason, but considering you've have pain you should see your GP to rule out things like endometriosis or ovarian cysts, both of which will show up on a scan.


sometimes if i miss a pill it does alter my cycle to almost where on earth i can tell. ie i may get a headache or be moody. and clearly my period will be a day behind. iv also occasionally noticed one or 2 spots on my face. this could adjectives be a coincidence.
but if you have been on the pill for such a long time it is strange if your periods have started to conversion! im like clockwork every third friday haha.
but if you say your doc said thats fine later i think you should go beside that but also ask your frends if they hav experienced similar. and in a few months if its still happening, mayb ask another doc for some test

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