Lamictal Rash?

I was taking Lamictal but get "the rash". I stopped taking the stuff about a week ago but the unwary is still there and I surface sick (it may be unrelated, but not sure). Anyway, I went to a GP today and he give me some cream for it, even though I had already be using Cortizone Plus. I talked to my psychiatrist and to be precise what he told me to use. I am just worried because it is not going away? How long does it generally take to step away? Anyone have any suggestion, because I could surely use some. Also, my skin feels close to its kind of burning/itching in some areas that aren't covered next to the rash. I don't know if this is related any. Thank you for your help.

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the unwary associated with Lamictal is call "Steven- johnson's " Syndrome and can be a very significant immunological repercussion. Some people may own to take extraordinarily strong topical or oral steroids to completely stop the reaction (OTC Cortisone-plus is a really weak steroid cream). You try taking some oral benadryl 25 or 50 mg but if it goesn't boost I would either achieve a second opinion or progress to the emergency room. Good luck

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I lately started taking Lamictal and I love it! (Much better than the stuff I was taking.) Thankfully I didn't carry a rash, but my neurologist said that it can be dangerous. (Didn't tell me how long it take to go away though.) Not to be nosey, but are you taking it for seizure? If so, go see (or at lowest call) your neurologist and ask. Doesn't seem close to it should take so long to be in motion away. You may also want to see a dermatologist.

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