How normally should I gain a pap?

Four years ago I had an abnormal pap. The results be misleading and when I had the colposcopy it actually with the sole purpose showed a very small area, that be not major concern. Since then i own had three colposcopies. All coming back only just fine. A year ago after my colposcopy the doctor said to repeat it in a year. However, my GP says that in attendance is no need to repeat the colposcopy, unless a pap comes back nonstandard. I live an hour away from the doctor and have four small children so I don't want to have to do a pap and after come back to do a colposcopy, I'd rather freshly do the colposcopy ( which I think is about matching as a pap as far as discomfort). And when you have colposcopy you pretty much know that day what the relsults will be unlike the pap. What would you suggest I do?

Ladies please serve me I'm 14 and involve answers?

I believe you are supposed to receive checked once a year!!

Iam a 43 years old-fashioned womanly?

Coloscopy is for intestinal cancer. Pap is for ovarian cancer. They are 2 completely different tests. Why are you getting so many coloscolies? Get a pap tryout once a year. My family doctor does mine. You need one once a year.

Is this Hormonal Imbalance?

you should other go get a pap every year, of late for a check up. =]

i know all women hate it. but its the aesthetic of being one.

How did you wake up up this morning?

You should get a pap when you squirdle a fingo and mcdoodle i dingosee eh mate holy squaddle wristlet jeef

My daugther have a gardasil shots. She's 13 yrs. aged.?

you have to look after your self. repeat it in a year pleas.

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once a year

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once a year i muse

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I'm a bit confused why the pap and the colonoscopy are dependent on each other. I'd ask for an explanation on that one. Something doesn't sound right nearby. Your colon and your cervix are two entirely different things.

You don't say how old you are but this from the American Cancer Society:

All women should open cervical cancer screening about 3 years after they begin have vaginal intercourse, but no later than when they are 21 years old. Screening should be done every year next to the regular Pap test or every 2 years using the newer liquid-based Pap test.

Beginning at age 30, women who hold had 3 normal Pap exam results in a row may get screen every 2 to 3 years. Another reasonable option for women over 30 is to win screened every 3 years (but not more frequently) with any the conventional or liquid-based Pap test, plus the HPV DNA test. Women who hold certain risk factors such as diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure previously birth, HIV infection, or a weakened immune system due to organ transplant, chemotherapy, or chronic steroid use should continue to be screen annually.

Women 70 years of age or older who have have 3 or more normal Pap tests contained by a row and no abnormal Pap test results contained by the last 10 years may choose to stop having cervical cancer screening. Women next to a history of cervical cancer, DES exposure before birth, HIV infection or a weakened immune system should verbs to have screening as long as they are in accurate health.

Women who have have a total hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix) may also choose to stop having cervical cancer screening, unless the surgery was done as a treatment for cervical cancer or pre-cancer. Women who hold had a hysterectomy without removal of the cervix should verbs to follow the guidelines above.

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