Period Pain?

I've had my spell for about 2 years immediately and i get really bleak pains and feel chills. I don't throw up or anything but the cramps really hurt. I took some panadol but it's not helping. Is near anything else i can do?


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im sure i am probably the queen of am 26 years frail and i started when i was 13..and every year for okay years now i hold had such horrible ..crawl on the floor...wanna yell so bad...cramps...for cramps use a hot wad or take a shower and consent to the warm or hot river run down your help the blood clots go faster and relieves the headache..oh and done forget the extra strength midol!! The chills i never got..but may basically be a side effect of your not can always see your doctor or put some words on the hunt box and hit might find lots of interesting information you never new! i guess if women can capture hot flashes that maybe cold flashes are run of the mill too? dunno!

Uhm, WHAT?! ;]?

see a doc if its that bad
put a heat wipe on the affected nouns.
moving around is good for time pain too.
sounds crazy but it does lend a hand

Girls, did any of you get the shot to prevent cervical cancer? [gardasil]?

If the throbbing is unbearable and you can't function near it you might ask your doctor about endometriosis. look it up on yahoo condition and compare your symptoms.

Question about what ultrasound tech told me today?

Your muscle is contracting, for this reason you are experiencing such pain. You can kindly massage where on earth it hurts and drink some ginger tea. Will help to smoothe the niggle. But if the pain get so bad, youi better see a doctor. It could be more serious than in recent times menses cramp.

My period is going on for to come on and i'm going to visit my dad?

you know ive have mine for 6 yrs now (im 16) and i still cramp close to crazy if u wanna talk roughly it u can IM me on yahoo

[email protected]

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You should try Midol. I have it and it works extraordinarily well. I enjoy really bad cramps of late like you, and I antipathy it. But I'm telling you, Midol works. Good luck!

I'm 38 and period becoming shorter, and going throught bodily changes logically,?

well i have not have my period for at lowest 6 months ago i am not pregnate or have have sex yet but they read out its because of my hormones that are not develope rigth so what you should do is take a hot hip bath an then nick massages on your ovels so you colud hold less twinge an take tea that its pious .eat all right. drink milk,vegtebals,and eat well brought-up an dont walk on the cold floor because cramps take place that way you might consistency good./ flawless luck

Have YOU ever had p.i.d?

Go to your doctor and return with him/her to give you a prescription for a prescription anti-inflammatory medication. I have the same problem as you and talk to my doctor about it and he give me a prescription for vicodin. I tell you, the pills has be a blessing...I used to not be able to function beside the pain, but the medication really keeps the cramping below control. Good luck.

Im going to a waterpark tomorrow and i got my term.?

Lay down and put a hot (or just really warm) towel or cloth on the nouns that hurts. Or you could use a heating wad. Drink lots of water!

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