I am loosing alot of blood and more or less 9 tennis ball sizes clots contained by the space of 3 hours?

I know you men wouldnt be interested in this, but ladies hope you know what to push for, as i just started yesterday afternoon and this afternoon it wont stop bleeding, renovation tampons 7 times today and now im not using anymore, towels wont hold the bleeding, however, do i necessitate to go to hospital to enjoy it checked out? do you know why this happens, i am 42 years elderly and have have 4 children (all over 13 years old)
I feel terrifically drained out!!
anyone expereinced that sort of thing im have at the moment?

Coming soon?

I too am 42 and I am a Mum of 4, please get down to a doctor as soon as possible to hold yourself checked over.

I'm not saying that it is anything serious, however it's far better to be not dangerous than sorry..


Can u bleed during the first months of pregnancy?

Have you considered medical attention? We're a bunch of geeks, few with actual medical training. Get you butt to a doctor or ER! You probably call for a D&C.

Oral Birth Control?

see a doctor asap

What does it mean? >> gyno give somebody the third degree?

Lady thats a haemerage not a period you necessitate to go to the hospital amazingly soon.

What is called safekeeping period?

I ponder you really need to aim proper medical advice - it's not everyday to lose that amount of blood, and certainly not clots. Could you enjoy been pregnant lacking knowing? Go and see a doctor - and make it soon.

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Hi. Gett bad line and catch checked out. Better safe than sorry. My mum kept have similar things to this and she did end up have problems.
Go to a+e. worth a try

Can a hospital put you through collections if the bill is just a month mature?


Well if that hasn't happened until that time to this extent to you, you should run to the emergency room.

What do you know about the morning after pill? Help!?

This sounds amazingly uncomfortable for you. Why not turn and have it checked out - if nearby's a problem, they can sort it and, if not, you'll own your mind put at rest.

I want sex more often than husband he is blissful with once a month I'm not?

Please send for your gp or nhs direct.
Heavy blood loss loke that can cause abundantly of problems and the cause wants to be determined right away
Good luck babes hope your ok.

Im really confused?

If this isn't majority for you then you should probably catch checked out. If you are in the UK try NHS Direct, they will push for what you should do: 0845 46 47

Why do doctors ask if you have a boyfriend?

Yes, you stipulation to have it checked out by a medical professional. It is adjectives for women (at our age especially) to have clotting. but you are have too many, tampons are not what you should be using, ever is someone is clotting. Please want medical advice from a professional. biddable luck!

Question about Birth Control Pill?

Something resembling that happened to my friends mother and she completed up needing a blood transfusion you should phone nhs24 and seek their direction as this sounds like too much blood to lose

What is it? Im confused. back! What will they do to me?

i would get yourself stale to hospital asap as this is not normal dont hysterics im sure you will be ok just for peace of mind

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If I be you I'd get to the hospital, one and only to check, it won't take too long and at tiniest you will feel better, I never want to turn to the hospital because it feels close to it needs to be an emergency and it will be like mad of drama, but it doesn't have o be approaching that, just progress and ask

Making yourself throw up?

That sounds awful for you, no wonder you feel drained. That is a seriously stocky blood loss and you should get it checked out to find out what is cause it.


Hemmorage or miscarriage. Doctor!

I just have unprotected sex today is there a accurate chance i get pregnant?

Fibroids Tumors may need removed uterus. Go to your GYN. The Emergency Room will only just send you nearby tomorrow anyway. Unless you get really worse. You get the impression drained because of too low blood/CBC.

Really scared?

You MUST see a doctor. Get to the Casualty department. Ring an ambulance. It ISN'T commonplace.

am 48 but never had anything similar to that. Could you be having a miscarriage?

For some fun, be there anything significant in the region of the day you first get your period share next to us your story?

Don'tuse tampons.Sounds like you are loosing to much blood.Mine be almost that bad when I started going thru the change(menopause)When I took a hip bath my water turned adjectives red with clots You will requirement some iron replace meant.Mine be almost that bad for going on for 6 hours then it pointed off.It start to my Mom also so I wasn't to much in a hysterics.Please keep us informed.


go to the doctor right away

Missed spell (revised)?

Don't want to worry u but i be too the same, i couldn be in motion out on my periods due to this stocky bleeding, had to wear 2 pad at a time etc, had very bad back torment with it 2. It be suspected fibroids which is something women can get. But as luck would have it after tests it proved not.
I have pills to reduce the flow, but what i found worked best be going back on contraceptive even thom i be sterilised. Now i don't get time, or back pains or weighty flows.

Does a morning after pill work even if you are close to your period?

It's pretty past due that I stumbled upon it, I hope you are alive and healthy, polite luck! You seem to enjoy gone through hell, poor you!

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