Itchy outer vagina?

i had my time last week and i started using tampons for the first time..
since i used my finishing one my outer vagina has be itchy, and that flap of skin on the side has too... that be four days ago.
i am sexually active but i of late went to the doctors 2 weeks ago.
i haven't have lumpy discharge..

please help me?? i'm 16 and own no idea what's going on, it's annoying lol.

Answers:    Sounds close to a yeast infection, if it looks like cottage cheese, that's probably the problem. The drug store have OTC creams & vaginal suppositories for that. It will probably run you about $12.00 for the medication. WalMart sell the same stuff surrounded by their brand name, which is Equate, for greatly less. Probably almost $6 or $7. If you have a yeast infection, & your bf is not using a condom, you can slip away it on to him.
Another good product, which will soothe the itch & the burn is Vagisil or WalMart's copy is called Vagicaine. At WalMart, Vagisil costs nearly $3.97, but their brand is $1.97.
Now, please, understand, these are Houston, TX prices. It may be better where you live.
bring in sure you don't have pubic lice i enjoy the same point only beside lumpy discharge, althought im not sexually active...
You might enjoy a yeast infection.
A doctor would be the best bet, but in the imply time you can buy a do-it-at-home yeast infection test paraphernalia.
If it is, just use some canesten on it and it'll pilfer the itch away.
You may just be allergic to the tampon you are using, try varying brands but i would still consult your docotr if its still itching and if there is any inflamation occuring. It still could be a yeast infection, purely because you dont have lumpy discharge doesnt indicate that isnt one. I have have a few of them and never get lumpy discharge. I would dry a cream resembling Monistat and if that doesnt help, see a doctor. Dont forget not to resign from tampons in too long. You also could be allergic to the type of tampon you're using. Some of them own perfume in them or powder on want to steer clear of those ones.
do you shave?
if you do. its probably that you own dry skin..
even with sex that could transpire. the semen or the latex could dry out the skin of your vagina.. soo id put lotion on it..
it might give a hand the irritation..

but if the itchiness is from the inside it might be a yeast infection. which can happen adjectives the time..
soo good luck sweetie. hope i help
Most of the time this is common right after your extent. I think it is due to the deficiency of moisture. However, you need to phone your Dr. and describe your symptoms. Be sure that your Dr. knows you are sexually influential. It should be ck'd! I guest there are products you can sure its not crabs or lice...could be reaction to tampon...How recurrently do you wash?Do you verbs after pee?
You may have a yeast infection such as Thrush so you may go and get an itching and burning sensation down there near no discharge. In the UK you can buy Canestan from most pharmacists. This normally help.. if you can't find it in the shops afterwards go backbone to see your doctor.xx

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