For the past 2 months i've have a black weird spell,&also a vaginal burning sensation.Anyone know what it is?


Any one taken/taking the norethisterone tablets?

Its best to go to the doctors and attain checked out, it costs nothing and it could let go you a lot of affliction in the adjectives. The burning could be down to an irritation.. thrush or Vaginal Bacteria which has built up..This is unpleasant but not serious and can be treated beside a course of antibiotics.

If you are experiencing blackness at the beginning of the interval, this could be old linning from your final period which did not shead properly.. If the blackness is at the pause of your period, which most women experience a brownish colour this is simply the pool liner which is last to shead and have aged.

Before you visit the doctor its best to try this 7 point plan, as it will just be suggested by your doctor if you havent tried these: It should be done for a period of 7-14 days, and continued once cleared every month 3 previously youre period and whilst on, to prevent reaccurance.

1. Washing next to a ph balanced soap or better nonetheless a product specifically designed such as canesten intimate body can buy them from the supermarket and dont call for to get them over the counter.
2.Try using intimate wipe instead of tissue..
3. limit wearing tight trousers aviod tights completely, as these are irritants.
4. Avoid thongs, if you must try cotton merely, some people are allergic to lace and are not aware of it..
5. When on your length try to wear towels at night, you can buy cotton merely, in towels and tampons. Again some race are allergic to the chemicals used, such as Rayon.
6. Drink plenty of fluids especially cranberry juice, you can also achieve pure cranberry from the counter which is good for cyctitis. (needing to urinate frequently and a burning sensation.)
7. Keep a diary of what foods you are consumption, when does it seem to achieve worse, etc.

Hope this helps.

Im 12 and in that is stuff in my underwear is it discharge?wat is wrong beside me?

could be an std get it checked out and tested asap

Peeing in public bathroom for women? sit down or hover?

It's your body relating you that you need to be in motion to the doctors.

Itches downstairs?

see your doctor or gyno

Help me i have a woman's simply question?

yeah you enjoy an infection go to the doctor or drink greatly of water and try to be cleaner. not that you're not but be more ... mop up your hands since you go to the restoroom and after and if you hold sex... try to go pee beforehand and afterwards good luck

Does the birth control pill yaz assist clear up skin?

burning ? dodgy doings ! get to the docs asap!!
n dnt sleep beside anyone till its sorted

Birth control, but don't know what my mom wil say.?

Yeah, walk to the doctor! That sounds scary!

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GO TO THE DOCTOR!! I am glad I did, mine was cancerous cell, of course I am fine very soon, it has be 10 years ,but for heavens sake GO!

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