Pelvic cramp during sex?

my husband and i had sex ultimate night and have to stop because i started having really doomed to failure pelvic pain. resembling cramps only worse. i enjoy not had this problem next to him before. i own been have light cramps almost every morning for a few months, but have attributed it to my body in recent times getting back to usual after giving birth. my daughter is 5 months old immediately. does this sound similar to a bad problem or of late something not to worry around?

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Hi Lisa. Pain during sex, or dyspareunia is a condition that affects up to 10% of the women in this country (Michael, Gagnon and Kolata, 1994). However, specific diagnosis cannot usually be made by base on one encounter alone. Two common etiologies are vulvodynia which is a burning, tender pain permanent more than 3 months that can be provoked or unprovoked. Another is vaginsmus which is associated with involuntary contraction of the perineal muscles related to insertion. 70% of women next to vaginsmus never has have vaginal penetration which make it unlikely for you.

It is also possible that your post-pregnancy cramps associated with pregnancy could be coninciding next to intercourse. It is important that you fashion a note of the incidence of cramps along next to intercourse so that your doctor can better make the diagnosis.

It is unusal for cramps to end more than a month after pregnancy and should warrant an appointment to your gynecologist. Normally, the cramps are associated with the uterus realigning backbone in place which should embezzle no more than a week. When you visit the doctor, he will ask you more question about bleeding, abdominal pain, fevers and urinary question.

I hope this has help.

dr. j

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detiel on:

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I wuld definatly check with your doctor I don`t know get a papsmear newly to make sure theres nought wrong

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There are various possibilities that could be causing this such as endometriosis. The singular way to find out for sure is to enjoy this evaluated by your dr to be on the safe side.

To swot up more about endometriosis please check out:

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It doesn't nouns too normal. Have things checked out basically in covering there is something nonstandard, you want to catch it first.

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hi i have this pain when i have a baby have few more pounds on than i should have go to doctors had a check up adjectives ok . lost a few pounds , and things did get better over time . have to do pelvic floor excis a bit boring but it worked sex life never be better. try useing a lot of pillows to start of beside. hope it work for you.

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