Can you whip the 2nd Plan B pill earlier next 12 hrs?

I took the first pill today at around 230pm... I was wondering if taking it an hour or so ahead of time would make a difference contained by how well it worked... please respond!

Sex related?

it is clearly ok to take the 2nd pill in a minute. at my local clinic they make you help yourself to both at once (they've had kids come backbone preg becuase they went home and forgot to rob the 2nd). the pharmaceutical companies split it into two pills so the hormone shock is easier on your system, some people experience nausea after taking both at once.

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one hour shouldn't fashion too much of a difference, however you will have a sophisticated dose of hormones in you since the first round isn't completly gone on the other hand. this increases the likely hood you'll be aware of ill. simply be warned.


Women beside endometriosisplease help!?

That is fine. Most doctors will in reality tell you to whip both pills together now, I'm surprised that you be told to take them 12 hours apart.
It's unlikely you will fell unwell, but if you are prone to stomach upsets, it is a devout idea to pilfer anti-nausea medication an hour before taking the second pill.

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