An Ingrown mane or should I be worried?
Answers: simply sounds like an ingrown fleece, and when you squeezed it you irritated it just maintain it clean, don't pick at it anymore and I don`t know put some neosporin on it..
Probably just an ingrown hackle, when you squeezed it , it probably did bruise, it's sensitive down there you know. It will make well, but will probably take awhile. Ingrown hair can get pus within them... no worries at all thats regular with shaving. Try using a soothing creme or gel (like Bikini Zone) after you shave. It help a lot.
Yeah that sucks.
Keep it verbs, dry, and occasionally dab a bit of neosporin on it.
Next time you shave, use a really flawless new cut-throat (like Venus or Intuition). Also applying a bit of anitperspirant after shaving will help hold on to the bumps away. It hurts at first, but works.
I get these adjectives the time. It's just an ingrown tresses from shaving. I had equal problem. What it could be is a cyst caused by an infection due to an ingrown spike. Don't freak out. leave it alone put some neosporin on it and hang on to it clean and dry. It'll grasp better.