Why is female circumcision desperate?


I missed my period?

I deem it's been pretty well-explained. There is so much wrong next to it!

I would like to know around how health it is to douche and how regularly?

How on Earth is it good?

GIRLS lone! (no guys!)?

One reason is because it can breed it harder for the woman's period to flow out of the body properly. When it stays inside and can't attain out it can cause plentifully of pain, regularly very severe. It can create other complications such as infection.

I need relief please?!?

Generally they are done under unsanitary conditions, to start with. Then, the removal of the clitoris removes some of the most sensitive nerves on the body. It is extremely raw, and makes adjectives intercourse painful and unpleasant. People in truth die from it.

I think i enjoy torn/ripping a bit of my skin?

"Booger" is correct. And also, scar tissue may develop where on earth the clitoris was removed or cut, making for bloody sex later. Infections set up confidently in that nouns, too. And also, there's no aim for it.

At what BMI do periods stop?

Have see what some butcher has done to a childish girl
Upon having her first interval she was taken to a house
held down by 6 elder women while they cut out her clitoris & labia minora. with a broken blade blade and a shard of glass. later left to fend for herself contained by a hut .no pain killer at all. the poor girl could not step for a week. I will leave the rest to your imagination but let say she immediately has no reproductive organs simply a small hole to pee out

Done without her consent
But thats ok at 14 she is presently fit for marrage according to her customs

TMI Occasional sharp pains? Anyone experience this?

I would not listen to anyone who has answered so far. Type surrounded by female circumcision on the internet.

"There are three primary types of circumcision:

-The removal of the tip of the clitoris;
-Total removal of the clitoris and surrounding labia;
-The removal of the clitoris and labia and the sewing up of the vagina, leaving single a small opening for urine and menstrual blood - a process agreed as infibulation."

Those are not done by REAL doctors. The type done by real doctors (which would be considered a plastic surgery, because it is surplus to requirements for your health) is the first example.

They remove the HOOD of the clitoris. Some women have become numb, and speak they cannot feel as much because it is in attendance. After having it removed, it is extremely sensative, and will most potential hurt if it is rubbed the wrong way.

The things mentioned in the other answers be very extreme. Women die from this because of mucky areas and doctors who are self-titled. A good, credible, doctor would remove the hood, although it might be discouraged, because the clitoris is moved out so open and sensative next to no protection from clothing rubbing against it painfully.

Anybody wanna bring back slimmer in a few days?

Why mutilate a woman's body? God or make-up gave us our body, possibly its not perfect but most organs hold a purpose. The only object female circumcision is perform is not for health reason (like male circumcision) but to prevent a woman from enjoy sex, reaching an orgasm, feeling lustful, enjoy life. Who wishes to keep a woman tamed? to be sure she does not wallow in sex with anyone? Who but men. Yes, ill-fatedly women perform it but they are the messengers of men. Until women will not nouns against this barbaric custom and refuse to carry out it, it will not stop. I so grieve for these poor women
who suffer because men do not want them to enjoy sex and live a common satisfactory life span.

Help please?

are you serious? do you know what they do to women when they circumsize them?

Is this normal?

Firstly, it's inhumane.
Secondly, it's usually done in a drastically unsterile environment. Many girls put through this torture die.

Very sad article to even exist.

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