Female give somebody the third degree..?

okay, this is completely serious.
is the pee whole and vagina hole different?

Does hose Stop your Period?

yeah. completely different. the urethra is the "pee hole" and its below the clitoris and above the vaginal opening. you cant really see it cuz its too small and most individuals wont look down there... also they hold to be different because if your urethra and vagina be the same entity, your uterus and bladder would be the same. you can't own a fetus develping in urine.and pregnant women wouldnt be able to pee.

Ow ow ow!!?

yes stop by this site http://the-clitoris.com/f_html/anat_indx...
see figure 5

What does it be going to if you start to bleed while haveing sex?

yes. there are two. the urethra (pee hole) and the vagina/cervix

dont stick something up your urethra!!1

Birth control relief?

Yes. The uretha is located above the opening to the vagina.

So I'm going through robustness problems?

I can't believe people don't know. How older are you?

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