Boobs wont grow?

heyy . umm my mom is like pushing e in her bra size. and like with her sisters. and im still an A. i've have my period for two yearssss. whats occurring?

How do i get rid of the saggy skin on your stomach after you enjoy had a kid? its really getting me down?

You don't say how outmoded you are. You still may have some growth contained by you yet. Try not to fret over it. Buy a pad bra in the meantime. They work wonders!

How be it your first time having sex? (women answer only)?

Be thankful, boobs suck.
Give it time.

Cramps come more in oil or skinny people?

You are common. Not all women are blessed beside big breasts.

First Time?

Mine did over the years and I am a guy :)

After sex..?

ur just a slow blumer! don't worrie they'll grow!

HELP me its important!?

boobs do

Are nearby any petite women?

In about 6 years you should check out the song "I must increase my bust" by Lords of Acid. You'll seize a real chuckle out of it. You'll probably also no longer hold your problem by then. Just afford it a little more time.

Why is this scheduled?

If your mom's breasts are that big, I don't think you own anything to worry roughly speaking! You are going to have to be lenient. Some people bloom then than others. How old are you?

How high is average?

Yeh, forget about it.

What exactly will come about when i go surrounded by for a hysterectomy inc taking the ovaries away due to endometriosis.?

thats awesome, i cant wait till you grow, let hope it happens soon, or you wont be popular at college :(

Why do people meditate anal sex is bad and knock it past they try it and flag questions resembling it?

They will grow in time.

Girls who move about commando, how do you dela with "that time of the month"?

just be contented next to what you have, dear. =)

Nuvaring?Keeps falling out?

Be joyous to who you are. cause different nation may find you very attractive when you are yourself. believe me, i know so.

Must a girl who own first time sex will be bleeding in its virgina?how come if not?

many many many big breasted girls bloom next, heaps of my female friends next to the biggest boobs didnt fully develop until 15-16 dont worry roughly it it all comes beside time


Maybe you're just with ease small.

Periods basically own nothing to do near boobs.

If you're 15 or over, ask a doctor.

Boobs suck, so be happy.

Rly personal but i requirement to know?

My breasts didn't stop developing until I was 18, and have had my interval for 5 years. Be patient.
Also, what nearly your dad's side? You may have some genes from your mom, but hey, your dad help out there too!

At the failure of the day, my panties are raining with sweat and pee.?

I be an A cup until I was 22 years hoary and I had my extent for 11 years at that point. Give it time--they really aren't THAT great!

I wieght 120 pounds and i am 13 teen so what should i do?

Boobs suck. You should be celebrating that you are an A!

Why am i spotting?

yea,boobs do 12 and im a size 32 C cup-people beside small boobs look good within everything!pluse big boobs give you backbone pain.:[

Whats wrong near me?


Nothing is wrong with you. Your sister get the big boob gene, but you may not have. My grandmother have a big sized chest, but my mother and I don't. My daughter is almost bigger than me now and she's 12! Everybody's different, but again, within's nothing wrong beside you.

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