Are at hand any petite women...?

who knows of a petite women forum or requirements to start one?

Master Cleanser Lemonade Diet?

I'm petite (5'2) and my husband is 7'1. Odd combination eh? Haha. My neck hurts partly the time to look up at him! I don't know of any petite women forums, but it would be cool if one was started. Mabe:

How is this query is sick? No one is trying to divide people up by echelon like not cognizant people do near race.

Can masturbation be destructive?

hey im petite,im 5ft and people ALWAYS say-so your soooo petite, how cute! it gets on my nerves!
You should def start one!

Weird Menstrual symptoms?

i'm extremely poor husband get all sorts of wierd looks from everybody when we stir out coz i look like a 12 year hoary when im actually 23

Is it desperate for a 16 yr old to not enjoy started her period?

The hypothesis bothers me. I'm petite but I find it sick that anyone wants to divide citizens based on body type.

I have a miscarraige about 3 weeks ago?

I am a 6'3" man and I love smaller women. I dont know why but I am so attracted to short women.

An condition while menstruating?

I am petite too, I am 4'9". :)

Im on the Depo?

Ladies, size does not matter (equally true for both men and women). It's what's inside that counts. Real men adopt a women as a complete person.

As doomed to failure as you think your size is, you adjectives could have it closely worse: you could be a little personality (dwarf), missing a limb, own cancer, one leg shorter than the other (one shoe thicker than the other), be blind, deaf or mute, have a terminal disease, etc..

Let the those who stare, stare. Ask them if the want to take a picture, it will second longer. As long as your healty and happy, you physical size should not be an concrete concern.

Is there a birth control patch that let u have your time only four times a year?

As a high-ceilinged man, I'd enjoy seeing a forum for petite women. Too masses females are storks. Females were expected to be small/slight. Petite is womanly ; petite is feminine. Petite rules & is wonderful ! My wife is 4'11".

Polycystic ovarian syndrome?

i would love to be shorter i am 6ft tall and its a nightmare sometimes plus men find my increase intimidating!! plus at school i be called big bird because of my rise

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