If a person be 1 1/2 month pregnant & just have a miscarriage, how long will she bleed for?

& when can she have sex again?

Gynaecological dull pain?

Seeing as the baby is severely small in this stage it should be similar to a regualar period but near larger clots of blood. I had a miscarriage at 3 months and it be 8 days worth of bleeding.


You will probably bleed for about 10 days or so (did you own a D&C- that will shorten it). As for when you can have sex again I would skulk at least 2 weeks from the running out of the bleeding to let everything treat but you should follow your doctors advice if it is different..

Just finished my term in smaller number than two weeks and just started again.i am alarmed,what should i do?

im soo sorry for the unfortunate misscarrige. you will bleed anywhere form 8 to 12 days most likly.

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