What effects does Birth conrol hold on girls?


Do most girls shave around the butt hole?

every body is different. Some people articulate it made them get heavier, breasts achieve bigger etc.. not me, ever, at any point in time. The only point the pill did for me over the past 10 years be regulate my period and prevent pregnancy.


major immensity gain!!

How does frozen bra work?

your question is not complete.if it is hormonal resources ocp
then in that chances of
nausea.if it is mechenical after there is nil.http://mydoctar.blogspot.com/

I attend alanon, for the last 3 months i consistency it helps to a unquestionable level?

I've be on a pill for about...1 1/2 years presently...I have have really bad period since like my 2nd time...so, that sucked...but i havent had any side effects or anything...it's made my period a little lighter..but italso cleared up acne
ciao for presently,

WHY ! ! ! why do i have strain in the breast in the past my period?

I can't enjoy children thanks to the FAKE hormone exposure. RUN AWAY FROM IT!! This is more adjectives than you are ever told.

I've been on birth control for a week and have unprotected sex but, he pulled out. Read on?

1. hormonal changes
2. mood swings
3. weight gain or immensity loss
4. skin irritations
5. misinformation that taking birth control prevents STDs

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