Can stress cause a missed spell?

i havent had a interval since march 24 i am beneath alot of stress in the last9 days. can any one help

Help my friend!!?

yes stress can emphatically cause a missed term, if you exercise alot that adds to it and also if you enjoy a very unusual sleep cycle that also adds to it. what quality of stress are you under? and conceivably you should go on the pill if you are that stressed surrounded by life you requirement to make sure your cycle is regular and the pill will give a it will also make sure that if you miss a interval its because of stress and not for any other reason:) but stress can trade name you miss your period. i be working 16 hour days for a long time and i missed two cycles becayse of the amount of stress i had.

Skipping Period?

no your probably simply pregooooo!!
sorrrryyy cutie

Help! My Friends On The Pill!?

Yes it can. Alot of things can cause an nonstandard period, stress, an increase or cutback in exercise, even diet change. It should come about soon. If you are sexually alive and are becoming more and more late I would recommend getting a pregnancy testing just to be sure. Take prudence and good luck. :)

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Yes! its very adjectives for stress to cause you to miss a spell or make it unpunctually. however just to put your mind at alleviate you might should take a pregnancy oral exam just to manufacture sure you're not pregnant.

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Hi, yes, take it from someone who have 2 a month and then not again for 2... It does come about but I suggest that if it goes departed a week take a pregnancy assessment... Good luck


Yes, stress can throw off your cycle.

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