Heat unwary, heat bumps, on the pay for of my legs ONLY -?

these little pimple like bumps don't itch, I don't shave that far up, they purely annoy me. I am 41 and I am just starting to obtain flashes while I am sleeping, so I think to be exact where they are coming from. How do I treat them? I find myself picking at them during the year and then they receive irritated, eh, you know the drill I'm sure : ) Oh, and all I sleep surrounded by is a t-shirt & we have AC surrounded by the bedroom (I still wake up at tiniest 5 times a week soaked, sometimes more than once a night. My husband is a big guy & I know he cuddles me (awwww), I am sure that contributes) - should I try sleeping next to light PJ bottoms? Thanks surrounded by advance for your honest, thoughtful & intelligent answers.

Heavy time of year while on birthcontrol. I just have my period 1 week ago?

It sounds approaching it's caused by the steam. I would go see your doctor around your flashes while you are sleeping. You may need to find your hormones checked. I wouldn't wear light pj bottoms since those might cause it worse and add to the roast problem. You could try it, but I would think more covering would imply more heat and more of a problem. I would apply some hydro-cortisone cream to the nouns. You could also try applying baby powder to the nouns prior to sleeping to give you more of moisture proof nouns.

Woman please just curious?

Menopause hun....Go see your Gyno...

For girls help out only please..private?

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