Er... it's a kind of embarassing put somebody through the mill?

I'm a teenage girl, I haven't gotten my time of year yet, but I hold breasts already and there are thee lumps surrounded by both. They're about partially the size of each breast, but hurt like mad. When I do tae kwon do it hurts when I get hit, and since I haven't gotten my term yet, I don't hold a gynecologist. NOW WHAT?

How do u no when ur tampon is full?

go to your common practitioner. he/she should be able to assess the problem, and if you stipulation to go to a specialist, they'll refer you. it could basically be benign cysts, or just some swelling as your breasts grow. but it could also be something worse. anytime you consideration lumps you should have a doctor evaluate them asap, only just to be safe.

don't freak out though, you're young at heart, its probably nothing. but it will hand over you peace of mind to have a doctor notify you that to your face.

Inflamed pelvis muscle?!?

See your doctor fast.

Why can't I wake up surrounded by the mornings?

Ask your Mom to take you.

Migraines in my eye??

I would ask your mom to receive you an appointment and see what the doctor has to voice about that. I dont surmise you have much to verbs about. Every girl is different and sometimes it freshly takes a while for it to take place.

Started My period relieve?

See a doctor immediately, if anything to wellbeing your mind.


That is just the approach that breasts grow. It is perfectly mundane for those lumps to be there. They for reasonably a while but it is nothing to verbs about. It newly means that you are developing.

I hold no period and no pregnancy check I've taken is positive..what can it be?

Don't panic. A lot of youthful girls get lumps surrounded by their breast when they are going into the menstral phase of life. It's nought to really worry in the region of, most likely due to varying hormones. If you're that worried, go to your regular doctor and they will oblige you. A gyno is not the only one who know about breasts.

Is it odd that I used a tampon on my first period?

We adjectives have surrounded by our breast ganglion. Those ganglion feels similar to little marbles and can be sensitive when our period is getting closer. If you hold concerns you do not need a gynecologist...a simple doctor or a nurse can support you educate you on the concern.

Scared of sex?

go to your regular doctor; they'll be able to win you to a gynecologist, probably, or diagnos it themselves.

and i dont think that the first drop by to the gynecologist is syncronised with the first length, cause iv have my period for a year and a partly and my mom hasnt talked of going. confer to your mom, she can help too.

Period. [girls]?

I've have those. Don't sweat it, they'll go away eventually. Wear extra pad bras and take it natural. You'll be fine!

Any other treatment for period that have lasted for over 30 days?

Please narrate mom and dad and get to a doctor NOW!! accurate luck

Is there any easer method to gain weight?

You don't own to have experienced menarche (the kick-off of menstruation) in writ to go see a gynecologist. I'd suggest relating your mom that there's something roughly your breasts that's concerning you, so that you can work together to find yourself a gyno. I'd bet that the lumps you're feeling are in recent times something called fibrocystic lumps. These are certainly nothing to verbs about, but they can raison d`??tre pain resembling you're describing. It would be to your benefit to have these checked out, if for no other grounds than to put your mind at ease.

Do large periods ultimate longer then wishy-washy periods?


Knot on side of crotch?

You necessitate to go to a doctor to find out the mete out of your lumps so you can stop worrying. I had a biopsy done on one my breast a few years spinal column and it turned out to be a cyst. Your health insurance provider should hold a directory so you can find a gynecologist in your area. If you don't hold insurance talk to your arts school nurse or go to a strength clinic. They should be able to point you in the right direction. Play it sheltered and go to the doctor.

Do breast fortification pills really work?

tell mom and have her whip you to the doctor lumps in your breasts are impossible see your doctor


Tell your Mom immediately. She can capture you to the doctor and he/she can schedule a mammogram. BTW- they do not hurt at adjectives. Take care of your body. Just to permit you know don't think the worst it could be nil major but, by adjectives means run to the dr and listen to what he/she has to voice.

How much am I suppost to weigh?

Try not to panic yourself to much coz stress can build the lumps worse. You wouldn't just enjoy a gynecologist. You would have to dance to your local hospital to see a gynecologist. I am unsure how old you are but the average age a girl is when their time starts is 13 to 14 years of age. If I was you I would dance to see your doctor or if you don't feel comfortable seeing your doctor at hand should be a nurse available to see at the surgery. The fact that your interval has not started and have lumps in your breast are not necessarily connected. I do recommend that you run and seek medical warning especially if the lumps in your breast are particularly painful. I hope that help.

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