Knot on side of crotch?

My mom has have knot-like thing on the outer side of her vagina for the concluding week or so. Apparently it's kind of tender and she describes it as outlook similar to when a sweat gland is swollen. There was another smaller one which go away but this one is larger and hasn't gone down in size any. She desires to know whether it's serious and if she needs to budge to a doctor.

What time do periods come?

I don't want to find too personal, but does she shave her pubic area? Often times, when the mane starts to grow back, it become ingrown. This can be VERY painful. Typically ingrown hair will resemble a pimple and may have a whitehead on it. I don't have it in mind to sound gross, but I'm not sure what you parsimonious by a knot...agree to me know if you have any other question.

Has anyone experienced prolonged spotting with the depo pervra shot? I estimate it's just hormones shifting? you?

No, it's actually merely ingrown hairs and/or a pimple.

I repugnance feeling resembling i am wearing a diaper!!?

sounds like a barytholn cyst its adjectives at the obgyn i work at just ring the dr tomorrow they can drain it

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I hope my mom never tell me that she has something unexpected growing in her crotch.

She really should go to the Dr.

Is it true that if the breasts are squeezed they win larger? My friend told me this how far is this true?

It could be an abscess. My mom had one. If so, she will enjoy to go to the doctor to hold it lanced and drained. Ouch. It's cause by an ingrown hair, believe it or not.

Sex eduacation at institution?

Yeah, it may be an ingrown hair but if you enjoy good insurance and the in motion to the can never be too cautious

I'm only about to start birth control for the first time, and I be told that I must wait till?

Tell your mom to read this website, the knit is attached. If she has any more question after reading this then she should unquestionably see a doctor. This should help her to agree on. More than likely this will shrink as all right, since it is larger and more swollen it will probably take longer. Hope this help.

If your on your period do you put on consignment, if so how much?

It's likely a Bartholin Cyst, which occur when that duct becomes blocked and chock-full with fluid. It happen to me once, and my doctor told me to take thaw baths. It worked. It unblocked itself and I was fine.

Head ache?

I'll tell you exactly what it is. I read adjectives the other peoples answers and their all wrong. it is from the seam of her jeans rubbing up against her skin.This bump is bursting with puss and blood. It will shift away in a couple of days.

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