If you own implatation bleeding,or thought you did can you still drink a margarita?

Like i mean i dont know if it be implantation bleeding cause it be brown red, and only last like 7 hours.adjectives happened the hours of daylight before yesturaday.And closing night me and my husband have sex and this morning i woke up at 7 and had blood surrounded by undies.but now 6 pm nil.Im so confused and i keep track of my period my next one isnt till the 25th.of july.This weekend that passed be the time i ovulate and we had sex on fri and sit and sun.what could it be? I dont want to drink if maybe in that is even a 2% chance i could be prego

Can someone be allergic to sperm?

It could noticeably be implantation bleeding; the timing is right. If you're trying to get pregnant, you probably shouldn't be drinking anyway.

Ladies sustain plz painful ?

Don't drink only just to be safe, explanation you never know.

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