Is this intuitive after sex ?

Since last month I have a serious relationship, I dont use condoml. My problem is everytime I come outside, my semen starts coming outside of her(she is on birth control pills). Is this natural ? Will it be a problem someday to clear her pregnent ? Did any of you guys/girls had one and the same problem ?


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yes, it's completely natural for your special men to come out from you. near are millions of them, and trust me, some do manage to stay contained by her. the birth control has nil to do with them coming out. it's lately a natual body reaction to an outside fluid. i have the same thoughts when i be with my serious partner too, i thought my body be refusing his sperm, but later i found out foreign fluids will eventually come out. what people do when they are trying to win pregnant, (for future reference) you may want to stay inside her for roughly 10 minutes. then she should stay lay down for anogher 20-30 mintues, gravity has an effect too. so anyway, when some stay surrounded by her, it's best to have her hips lofty, and refrain from using the bathroom, as they adjectives will come out then, and to withhold from doing kegles. :) hope this helps

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normal. that is why in attendance is always a 'drizzling spot' in the bed.

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its gravity, what goes up, must come down. Don't verbs very usual. When you guys do want to try for kids, she will have to stay lay down or with her butt propped up on a pillow for around 20 mins to tolerate the semen do it work. But very adjectives prob bob!

Which birth control should I use?

Yes.besides where would you close to it to go?

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if shes on the pill and you know she takes it everyday it should be alright but vaginal banger bewarned if she really like you she might try and become pregnat thats how I was conceived

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yep mundane

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Normal, but please make sure you two are prepared for a sexual relationship.

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I honestly believe after just a month of a relationship you should be still using condoms. However, within may be circumstances... i.e. you both got tested for S.T.D's, AIDS/HIV, ect.

It sounds untaught to me. I don't believe it will stop her from getting pregnant someday. Even if a little bit of sperm be in her, within is a possibility she could get pregnant. Don't verbs about it.

Also... why are you posting such a personal ask on here about that.? Go to your local Health Department, and ask question! ;)

Have fun, and be safe.

My Butt method 39 inches and I'm a size 7-9. But I feel my butt is flat. Do u contemplate it's okay?I want it BIGER

well, her body isn't going to suck up your semen, lol. It is natural for the semen to come final out of her vagina. Its more or less gravity taking effect. thats why some doctors reccomend women to stand on their organizer for a minute after sex when their trying to get pregnant.

Green and Brown Vaginal Discharge.?

completely innate...not to worry :o)

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Seminal fluid does NOT stay in the vagina after will ALWAYS come out. The sperm that are contained in the fluid only receive up about 2% of the volume, the rest is ... fluid. And since it does come out, this ability that gravity works.

Sperm know what to do.they will find the entrance to the uterus (the cervical passage) and swim their little hearts out when the time is right...heck they do it presently. But because your GF is on the pill, she's not producing and egg (ovum) to be fertilized, so their swimming is all for naught. Good practice though!

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if you take seman even on the vaginal flaps it could possibly get her pregnant but she might enjoy problems due to the birth control if you want your seman to stay inside you'll have stay surrounded by longer before pulling out

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Good for her for one on the pill. If she takes them correctly, it is nearly impossible for her to attain pregnant. However, the pill does not protect against diseases, so you should wear a condom if you aren't monogamous. You shouldn't have any problems getting her pregnant someday if she go off the pill and neither of you enjoy a fertility problem. It is natural for your semem to slop out of her after sex because of gravity.

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Yes, It's automatic...nothing to verbs about .

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Semen is supposed to come back out. It is close to a glass turned upside down contained by there, what I be a sign of is that there is nowhere for it to budge, but back out. Her body will not engage it.

Semen staying inside her is a bad piece. If you nut in her, she should without hesitation go pee it adjectives out.

Cumming in her without her person on birthcontrol will make her pregnant. She can receive pregnant any day or time of the month.

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Uh no, you better start using condoms before you bring that "thang" come on it's 2007 if you still don't believe sex kills look at the statistics. Unless it's your wife you better be strapping up. So NO it's deviant for a man to be so dumb in 2007 and not wear a condom lil disagreeable!!

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