Tubes tied????????????

does medicade pay for a tubal if you get it done as soon as the infant is born. i live in Ga. i am 21 and this is my second child. i asked this question going on for 4 min ago and got no answers cause i spelled it wrong. the press is does medicade pay for you to get your tubes tied immediatly following birth of child surrounded by the state of ga.

Answers:    I'm sure things have changed in 17 years, but Medicaid salaried for my tubes to be tied after the birth of my 4th child when I was 23 years old. They do not similar to to do the procedure when you are that young. I had to budge through counseling, classes, etc and then convince the doctor that I did not want any more children before he would do it. I regret my conclusion and I hope you choose not to do it. There are other forms of birth control that are not so permanent because you may change your mind. I know I did - I regret have it done. .
I dont live in GA. but when I had my 2nd child I be 19 and wanted my tubes tied and the dr. said I was to immature to make that decision even so and since your 21 it could be the same in GA. but after I have my 3rd and last child I was 23 and they permit me get my tubes tied right after the deivery which was by c-section and my medical did money for that. Just check with your dr. and find out. But make sure that you dont want anymore children. You are still immensely young, and after I had my done I wish I hadn't a couple years later. My understanding is that Medicaid is DELIGHTED to pay cheque for any kind of sterilization procedure as this prevents them having to take-home pay for any more insurance for any more people. Cuts down on the number of people on the rolls, ya know...Strange isn't it that the USA is the ONLY industrialized nation on the facade of the earth that doesn't offer national vigour care for its people. We can spend 2.8 billion dollars a week to run kill families contained by the desert of a county that did not attack us, and whose population is 55% under the age of 21 (or was when started dropping bombs on it...) but we can't transport care of people's health, can we? Ah, Repubicans and Neo-Cons. Such sorry excuses for human beings. Let's dance bomb a county back into the Stone Age, and then award several US/multinational companies the no-bid contracts to modernize said country. Then let's all get genuine happy when companies like Haliburton and Bechtel cannot story for billions of dollars supposedly sent to Iraq for the purposes of said rebuilding. Here's a clue folks: Your government has be taken over by liars, murderers and thieves, and your hard-earned money is being sent overseas to race who can't even account for its use. And your "President" is calling other countries "Bullys"...Welcome to the Brave New World, where have a baby is a political act..
yes medicaid will clear for it because i ad my 3rd baby 8wks ago and have my tubes tied a month ago 2day nd it paid for it the only route it wont pay 4 it is if they take u past its sell-by date of it b4 u have it done congradulations onur 2nd baby You would requirement to contact your social worker or maybe even the hospital billing department for that information. I know that some states won't do a tubal at that young of an age. Good luck..
I am a CMA and I am also taking insurance coding and billing classes
No it is solely covered if getting pregnant again is life threatening to you..They classify tubals as experimental surgery.. I'm not too sure. If you have a medical card, telephone the number on the back of the card and ask.

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